[FOSS4G-Oceania] large format map ideas

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 17:03:00 PDT 2018

Hey Trisha, nice one, thanks for pursuing this.

Was trying to recall if anyone put up their hand to source a design for it,
but can't remember anyone specifically saying they would do that. Would
definitely be nice to have something that's OSM-based. Gretchen Peterson
<https://www.gretchenpeterson.com/> has a map colouring book - wonder if
she'd be willing to provide a design file for us?

Here's where it was first suggested to us:

I guess we need to figure out exactly where we'd put it at the venue.
Perhaps something you & I can look at when we do our site visit in a couple
of weeks... once we figure that out we can nail down dimensions.
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