[FOSS4G-Oceania] Community Day feedback and OSGeoLive suggestion

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 14:22:04 PDT 2018

Hi David,

As discussed, re Community Day text, 
https://foss4g-oceania.org/program/community-day , it would be good to 
have a contact person, or people, to add credibility and a personal 
touch to each proposal.

And here is my proposed text for an OSGeoLive event:

*OSGeoLive Quickstart refresh and/or Move to the cloud*

OSGeoLive is distribution of Open Source Geospatial Software 
preconfigured with ~ 50 applications, datasets, project overviews and 
quickstarts. It is used at conferences and training sessions around the 
world and is often people's first exposure to OSGeo software.

We have two things we'd like to tackle:

1. Run all the quickstarts, update screen shots, correct docs or write 
bug reports. New users see problems in documentation that developers are 
blind to. And we are aware that many of our Quickstarts have become 
dated when software was updated.

2. For techies: We would love to be able to install OSGeoLive in the 
cloud, and are looking for some techies to help work out how to do it. 
Having a cloud version of OSGeoLive will make it much more accessible as 
a learning platform.

Contact: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter AT gmail.co m)

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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