[FOSS4G-UK] A star speaker on the commons

Nick Bearman nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk
Thu Apr 6 08:31:55 PDT 2023

Hi Ramanan,

Thanks very much for your suggestion. I haven't heard of Richard 
Stallman - I will have a bit of a look. Could you tell us a little more 
about him at our next meeting?

We used Jitsi and YouTube to share the keynote talks previously.

Best wishes,

On 3/28/23 12:21, Ramanan Selvaratnam wrote:
> Hi all,
> Since the digital and land commons can be seen to intersect on GIS 
> software, I feel it makes sense to call for a renowned expert in both 
> fields. This could aim to attract attention of GIS software users and 
> non users.
> Having suggested the above, I'll pitch in a suggestion in Richard 
> Stallman. There may be others too - any suggestions?
> If Online speakers can be sorted out - I suspect free software systems 
> may have to be pre-requisite .. but I have no reason to discount such 
> a speaker turning up in person or already being present amongst us.
> I thought of this while listening to some negatives on GPL by QGIS 
> developer at last year's conference. Commons [the land variety] being 
> under threat in the UK right now with recent media attention over 
> Dartmoor access [being defined by a "GIS enabled map" as it's put out 
> in media] is another reason
> Best wishes,
> Ramanan

Nick Bearman
+44 (0) 7717745715
nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk

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