[Foss4g2009] Re: Geospatial Integration Showcase - meeting notes

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Thu Nov 6 18:13:27 EST 2008

You think we didn't sell it that way? :)
ASAIK this isn't a sales problem it's an effort problem. "Come do a
bunch of work in addition to all the other preparation you will have
to do for this conference."
It's #12 on the priority list, no surprise it doesn't get done.

2008/11/6 Bruce Bannerman <bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com>:
> sorry, resend as this email address wasn't subscribed to list.
> On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Bruce Bannerman
> <bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> How about if this was sold as Jeff McKenna alluded to during our
>> conference call?
>> "Step up to the plate and show the world how good and how interoperable
>> your spatial software is.
>> Compete on an even playing field, with a neutral umpire, using the same
>> data and server.
>> The spatial world will be watching the results."
>> Of course, everyone will have the best software. If after the event they
>> find that they don't, then there will be an incentive to do better the
>> following year (at FOSS4Gnnnn).
>> fwiw
>> Bruce Bannerman
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Paul Ramsey [mailto:pramsey at cleverelephant.ca]
>> > Sent: Friday, 7 November 2008 4:32 AM
>> > To: mapbutcher
>> > Cc: Cameron Shorter; foss4g2009; Jeff McKenna; Bruce
>> > Bannerman; Greg Buehler; Justin Deoliveira
>> > Subject: Re: [Foss4g2009] Re: Geospatial Integration Showcase
>> > - meeting notes [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
>> >
>> > The 2007 experience very much validates Simon. In the end,
>> > Justin and DaveP volunteered a good deal of time to put the
>> > foundation elements into place for a showcase (data gathered,
>> > documented with metadata on the wiki, loaded into public
>> > PostGIS instance) and nobody else showed up and helped.
>> > Vendors were too busy with other things to dedicate even the
>> > time to stand up a demo on the public data, despite lots of
>> > harassment on our part. Even folks like DM Solutions didn't step up.
>> >
>> > Catch-22, if you expect everyone to come and add their
>> > ingredients to the stew, they won't. If you just do it all
>> > yourself, well, it's not much of an "integration" showcase
>> > anymore, is it?
>> >
>> > P.
>> >
>> > 2008/11/6 mapbutcher <mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com>:
>> >
>> > > I think your proposed vision is valid and I'm not wanting to spread
>> > > FUD its just that i'd like to move the agenda beyond the
>> > vision. Even
>> > > providing a very basic infrastructure and basic
>> > scenario/data i think
>> > > you under estimate the work involved and more importantly i
>> > think we
>> > > run the risk of going where others have gone before?
>> >
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