[Foss4g2009] FW: OGC Integration Showcase - Climate Competition Proposal [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 22:39:44 EST 2008

Raj Singh wrote:
> Climate Challenge - Integration Plugfest - 2009
> sounds good to me!
Good for me too.
CCIP (pronounced "sip" or "kip"?)
> ---
> Raj
> On Nov 13, at 7:37 PM, Bruce Bannerman wrote:
>> Perhaps:
>> Climate Challenge - Integration Plugfest - 2009
>> We need to capture peoples imagination, commitment and $.
>> Sorry, that will have to be my last 2c. I need to pack my bags...
>> Whatever we call this, it has the potential to be an annual event
>> similar to:
>> - the Australian Solar Car Challenge
>> - the US DARPA (?) robot car challenge
>> (or whatever their real names are).
>> Adios. I'll catch you in two months.
>> Bruce Bannerman
>> On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 19:15 -0500, Raj Singh wrote:
>>> I like getting Climate in the name so it's less generic. I also like
>>> removing Geospatial -- part of my general feeling that we should re-
>>> position our industry out of a geospatial "corner". Geo is a superset
>>> of mainstream IT. We develop IT solutions. Geospatial just happens to
>>> be required to tackle certain problems.
>>> I'd also suggest having the last word be "Plugfest" if you want a
>>> strong OGC association. I'm not sure if you do want this strong an
>>> association, but it's worth evaluating as that word already means
>>> something to OGC members. Here's some background:
>>> The First-Ever OGC Plugfest
>>> http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/initiatives/plugfest
>>> DRAFT OGC Plugfest Administration Plan:
>>> http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=5896&version=3
>>> ---
>>> Raj
>>> On Nov 13, at 6:04 PM, Bruce Bannerman wrote:
>>>> Add the word climate in there.
>>>> I don't like the term Geospatial. It is too Cafe Late.
>>>> (sorry, I can't get the inflection on the e in Late in text only
>>>> mode).
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On Fri, 2008-11-14 at 09:46 +1100, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>>> Greg Buehler,
>>>>> You wanted an acronym for the Showcase.
>>>>> Simon Hope and I vote for "Geospatial Integration Challenge" or GIC.
>>>>> Assuming this acronym is available, can you please set up an OGC
>>>>> project
>>>>> for us using this acronym.
>>>>> Graham de Hoedt,
>>>>> Please speak up if you feel strongly that another acronym should be
>>>>> used.
>>>>> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>>>> So what is this project about:
>>>>>> * OGC Standards
>>>>>> * Showcase of geospatial technologies
>>>>>> * Inclusive to all interested participants
>>>>>> * Showcase of different data
>>>>>> * A Climate Change scenario (although I'm wondering whether this
>>>>>> scope
>>>>>> may limit us in future if we find another sponsor who would like to
>>>>>> add a different scenario).
>>>>>> It helps if the accronym is pronounceable, ie has a vowel.
>>>>>> So I suggest (in my order of preference)
>>>>>> 1. Geospatial Integration Showcase Challenge (GISC)
>>>>>> 2. Geospatial Integration Showcase for Climate Change (GISCC).
>>>>>> mapbutcher wrote:
>>>>>>> Bruce,
>>>>>>>> We need to find a catchy name and acronym. Suggestions are
>>>>>>> welcome.
>>>>>>>> I'll start with:
>>>>>>>> Climate Competition - OGC (CC-OGC)
>>>>>>> "Global Geospatial Climate Challenge" (GGCC)
>>>>>>> "Open Geospatial Climate Challenge" (OGCC)
>>>>>>> "Geospatial Technology Together"
>>>>>>> I'm not too good at this sort of thing..
>>>>>>>> _Proposal_
>>>>>>>> The Bureau of Meteorology is prepared to contribute:
>>>>>>>> - $30,000 AUD in sponsorship towards this OGC 'Integration
>>>>>>>> Showcase' or whatever we end up calling it.
>>>>>>>> (Funding would be available next financial year).
>>>>>>> Bruce would there be any conditions on this funding?
>>>>>>>> - Climate related data (preparation will be required)
>>>>>>>> + Tabular, including point data (Oracle/Postgres)
>>>>>>>> + GRID, NetCDF
>>>>>>>> + Raster satellite imagery
>>>>>>>> - We won't be able to distribute topographic data, however
>>>>>>>> other Australian Federal
>>>>>>>>   Government Agencies could be approached to allow this to
>>>>>>> occur.
>>>>>>>> - Climate related scenario to drive a solution,e.g.:
>>>>>>>> + What were the meteorological conditions at a particular
>>>>>>>   place and
>>>>>>>>   time or over a particular period or area?
>>>>>>>> + What are the climate characteristics of a particular
>>>>>>>> place or region?
>>>>>>>> + How have those characteristics varied over time?
>>>>>>>> + How are they likely to vary in the future - over a
>>>>>>>> season, from year to
>>>>>>>>   year or decade to decade?
>>>>>>>> These may need to be fine tuned.
>>>>>>>> _Other Potential Sponsorship_
>>>>>>>> Having a Climate Change related scenario, should reduce the
>>>>>>>> resistance that we may encounter in encouraging organisations
>>>>>>>> to participate.
>>>>>>> I think this is a good idea. This is top of the agenda and many
>>>>>>> organisations/vendors/particpants will want to demonstrate how
>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>> solutions can address these topical issues:
>>>>>>> How can open standards together with GIS functionality help us to:
>>>>>>> **visualise and understand the effects of climate change
>>>>>>> **address a particular climate change issue - water resources
>>>>>>> seem an
>>>>>>> obvious and relevant local issue
>>>>>>> If BOM are stumping up funding perhaps they are well placed to lay
>>>>>>> out some of the challenges on their agenda? i.e. what issues are
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> wanting to address with geospatial technology?
>>>>>>>> - Servers
>>>>>>>> + We could approach some of the big vendors and offer them
>>>>>>>> the opportunity
>>>>>>>>   to demonstrate the capabilities of their hardware to
>>>>>>>> handle such an environment.
>>>>>>>>   The vendor may even offer systems administration support.
>>>>>>>> - Virtualisation
>>>>>>>> + Similarly, we could approach the large virtualisation
>>>>>>>> vendors who would, I'm
>>>>>>>>   sure, welcome the chance to showcase their product.
>>>>>>>> Similarly, they would also
>>>>>>>>   probably provide systems administration support.
>>>>>>>> _What do we want to see_
>>>>>>>> - Pilot 'Solutions' to answering climate questions using OGC
>>>>>>>   Services.
>>>>>>>> - Working prototype 'Solutions' using supplied data.
>>>>>>>> - Documentation describing the Technical Architecture and
>>>>>>>> approach taken.
>>>>>>> I think it would be good to specify this further - we don't just
>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>> a load of paper work - I'd like to see some form of
>>>>>>> avi/presentation/slideset that talks through the architecture
>>>>>>>> _Constraints_
>>>>>>>> - The design of the solution is left to the competitor.
>>>>>>>> - The Solution may be Open Source, Proprietary, or a mix of
>>>>>>>> Open Source and Proprietary components.
>>>>>>>> - The Solution must maximise the use of OGC Services and
>>>>>>> Standards.
>>>>>>>> - The Solution must be available for further evaluation by the
>>>>>>>   OGC and
>>>>>>>> Bureau of Meteorology after the competition ends.
>>>>>>>> - Judging is to be by a technical panel nominated by the OGC. No
>>>>>>>> correspondence will be entered into.
>>>>>>> I think we'd need to deliver some criteria - i.e. points will be
>>>>>>> allocated on the following:
>>>>>>> *Demonstration of OGC standards
>>>>>>> *Interoperability with basic technology *stack*
>>>>>>> *Innovation
>>>>>>> *Ability to demonstrate real world relevance
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Simon
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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