[Foss4g2009] Code Sprint

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Sun Oct 12 13:16:05 EDT 2008

I'd again disagree... (hard to get a plurality in this forum, ain't it
:)... for those putting together a somewhat compressed schedule
(*cough* me) , starting right after the conference is beneficial. And
there's "momentum", etc. Those who are doing longer trips with
vacation time, can take their time after the sprint. Many people left
the Victoria sprint in the evening and got right on a plane, for


On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Tim Bowden <tim.bowden at westnet.com.au> wrote:

> So, proposed sprint dates then: Monday 28 Oct - Wed 30 Oct.  The
> feedback on the list (and privately) seems to indicate that the break
> would be well received (though many of the more fervent supporters of a
> longer code sprint at Cape Town are still in the disconnected wilds).
> Given the state of most delegates by the end of the conf, I'd be
> surprised if there were too many who were up to three days intense
> coding without a break anyway.

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