[Foss4g2009] Workshops

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Oct 20 09:12:58 EDT 2008

Dave Patton wrote:
> In light of the Code Sprint discussions, I thought
> I'd raise the issue of Workshops, which I think is
> much more important to get a handle on than the
> Code Sprint. It certainly needs to be sorted out
> much sooner than the Code Sprint.
> At this point, I'm only talking "Workshops".
> Not "Labs". However, that assumes we stick with
> Workshops as 1/2 day, and Labs as 90 minutes,
> and that Workshops are an extra-charge item and
> that Labs (if there are Labs, which is a separate
> (please) discussion) are part of the conference
> program(i.e. like Presentations).

I would suggest that we drop all mention of 'labs'.  Shortly we'll be 
getting some 'Lessons learned' feedback from the 2008 LOC, and, having 
been there and assisted workshops every year since 2004, I can say that 
these darn labs (hands-on sessions throughout the conference and not on 
the scheduled workshop days) have to go - they are a logistical 
nightmare.  So please please, let's talk about workshops, and not 
mention these labs anymore.

> I'm thinking that if we have some consensus on this
> list, then we could ask for input on OSGeo-Discuss.
> 1)
> What is the timeframe for holding Workshops?
> Single day?
> Tuesday?
> Daytime only, or Evening Workshops as well?

What has proven to work well is a single 1 or 2 days before the conference.

> 2)
> How many Workshop slots should there be?
> 3-hour slots?
> One set in the morning, one set in the afternoon?
> How many simultaneous slots?(e.g. 6 at once, like
> Victoria, making for a total of 12 Workshops)?

yes 3 hour slots make sense.

> 3)
> Any specific restrictions?
> Only Workshops that haven't been delivered before?
> Only content that is 100% Open Source?
> Must be 'hands on'.
> Only use provided PCs(no "bring your own laptop")?

Workshops must promote the use of FOSS4G.  I don't see a '100% Open 
Source content' requirement being necessary.
As for 'only workshops that haven't been delivered before', that is 
non-sense....the beginners need these...and an example is my Intro to 
MapServer workshop in SA this year with 77 attendees.

> 4)
> Audience balance for the Workshops?
> How many aimed at "beginners"?
> How many aimed at "intermediate"?
> How many aimed at "advanced"?
> How many aimed at "developers"?

We must always focus on beginners.  Every year I get feedback from 
workshop givers how hard it was that so many beginners were in their 
class...but beginners are why we are having these conferences - to 
spread the FOSS4G passion to new users around the world (and 2008 in SA 
is proof of that success).

> 5)
> Incremental Registration Cost for Workshop attendance?
> Aim to break even?
> Aim to make X profit?

My goal would be to fill the one or two days of workshop rooms.

> There are probably more things to consider,
> but you get the idea.

Great points Dave!

Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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