[Foss4g2009] Workshops

Dave Patton davep at confluence.org
Wed Oct 22 10:25:15 EDT 2008

On 2008/10/22 3:36 AM, shoaib wrote:

> 3. Impact on Rooms: Similarly workshops can vary in attendance & popularity.
> It would be nice to have a range of room sizes. can we get estimates of
> attendance from previous years? No of rooms required will depend on how many
> concurrent workshops we will run. 6 has been the standard in the past.
> Assuming it is still 6 ... we need 6 rooms but which have a flexible size.
> Any estimates Paul/Gavin?

For 2007, we have statistics, not estimates :-)
Here are the maximum room capacities:
and the actual attendance is on page 26 of the
Final Report pdf:

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
Workshop Committee Chair
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.

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