[Foss4g2009] FOSS4G video link to download

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 01:03:40 EDT 2008

Good comments again Dave.

Dave Patton wrote:
> On 2008/10/20 11:30 PM, Janelle Driscoll wrote:
>> Dear Organising Committee,
>> Please find below the link to download the promotional video that was
>> shown at the FOSS4G 2008 conference to promote FOSS4G 2009. Please let
>> me know if you would like it to be added to the FOSS4G 2009 website.
>> http://www.tourhosts.com.au/download/foss4g2009_promo.avi
> Overall, I like it :-)
> Methinks I may have to visit Oz ;-)
> 1)
> I get various artifacts when viewing the video.
> Does anyone else?
> For example, right at the start, the scrolling
> images across the bottom half - the left side
> of the first image(roos) is a jagged sawtooth.
> Similar 'sawtooth' effects appear throughout
> the video.
Yes, I saw that too.
> 2)
> What rights do we have to this video?
Yes, it would be good to know the license.
> 3)
> Never having been to Australia, I don't know where
> some of the places are located, or what they are.
> Knowing the conference will be at SCEC, and seeing
> some scenes of 'people in a theater setting' makes
> me wonder if that was at SCEC. Would it be worthwhile
> to have any sort of 'storyline' to go with the video?
> Or selected stills, with captions, in a photo gallery?
Yes, I thought the same when watching it.
It would be good to help people planning their holidays around the 

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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