[Foss4g2009] Setting schedule in stone for labs/workshops/tutorials for Foss4g2009 - please vote

Dave Patton davep at confluence.org
Wed Oct 29 01:19:46 EDT 2008

On 2008/10/27 7:23 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> So here is my proposal: 1. We will continue to have one day of extra
> cost, 3 hour workshops on the first day. This will be the same as
> prior years. Computers will be provided.
> 2. The 90 minute lab sessions (with computers provided) will be
> dropped from the program.
> 3. To replace the labs, we will introduce "tutorials" and or "bring
> your own laptop labs". Details can be worked out by the conference
> committee later, but from the our venue organising point of view, all
> will will provide is a room and laptop for the presenter.
> Could the FOSS4G committee and conference committee members please
> vote, or voice your reasons for alternatives.

First, my suggestion is that this proposal be raised on the
OSGeo-discuss list, as the constituency on the FOSS4G2009-public
and OSGeo-Conf lists is fairly limited.

Having been the chair of the Workshop Committee for FOSS4G 2007,
I can say that the 90-minute Labs that took place during the
conference were not that much of an incremental "overhead" in
terms of organization. Yes, there was some extra work, both at
the conference, and in reviewing submissions, etc., but given
that we ran 12 Workshops in one day, and 16 Labs over 4 days,
I'd say that the major portion of the work involved needs to be
allocated to the Workshops.

One significant difference with how FOSS4G 2009 in Sydney is
shaping up is that the Workshops will not be at the same
venue as the conference. In 2007 were were able to just leave
two of the classrooms used for Workshops setup, for use as
the Lab classrooms during the conference. That won't be an
option for 2009, so that does increase the overhead if
Labs(that used the same equipment as the Workshops) were
included in the conference program.

For 2007, there was 1 day of Workshops, running 6 at a time
in the AM and PM, so delegates got to select 2 Workshops.
All Workshop seats were sold out in advance of the conference.
Labs were included in the cost of the conference, with 2 running
at the same time, along with 5 presentations at the same time.
Lab attendance was mixed, ranging from 'just a few people' to
having to turn people away because the room could hold more people.

How about an amended version of Cameron's proposal?
There will be 'half-day' Workshops(e.g. likely 3 hours).
Workshops will be a separate cost from the conference.
Workshops will likely take place on the day before the
conference starts.
There will likely be 5 or 6 Workshops to choose from in
both the morning and afternoon, so delegates will be able
to attend 2 Workshops.
The Workshops will be delivered in a classroom setting,
with computers provided, with 2 people per computer.
'Bring your own laptop' will not be an option for Workshops.
Depending on a number of factors, including venue availability,
various costs, and organizational issues, expansion of the
Workshops to include another day or half day may be considered.
There will be no Workshops during the conference.
There will be no "Labs" during the conference.
There may be "tutorials" or "sessions"(or whatever they get called)
during the conference that are a different format to "Presentations".
They may be longer duration than Presentations, and/or include the
option for 'bring your own laptop', but they will not include
any provided computers(other than possibly for the person who is
delivering the "tutorial" or "session").

I'm in favor of the above, but I have one concern. Whether it is
a concern for others will help inform the committee's decisions ;-)

If we are limited to one day of Workshops, and there are no
Labs during the conference, it limits the opportunities for
"hands on" for the delegates, in two ways. One is that it
limits it to 2 Workshops per delegate. The second is that,
using the 2007 model, Workshops sell out, so some delegates
get no opportunity for "hands on", and some will not get
their first choice of "what to get their hands on".

If "tutorials" or "sessions" are included in the conference
program, that may help to address the second point.

To help address the first point, is it worth considering the
option of having a mix of Workshops and Labs on "Workshops day"?
For example, instead of 6 simultaneous 3-hour Workshops, what
about 4 Workshops + 4 90-minute Labs? Or 'Workshops in the
morning' and 'Labs in the afternoon'(so each delegate would
get 3 hands-on classes).

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G 2009 conference:
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.

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