[Foss4g2009] Re: Geospatial Integration Showcase - meeting notes [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 01:01:10 EDT 2008

Read from bottom to top: discussion between OGC and OSGeo about a 
Geospatial Integration Showcase:

I'm +1 for server installed with Virtual Machines as suggested by Raj 
and Bruce.

In answer to Raj's question, I believe the OGC should be custodian of 
the Showcase VM/Server. To attract vendors, the Showcase should not be 
locked into one vendor, or open source solution.

CCed to the foss4g list with permission from Bruce, Raj and myself.

Greg, it would be good to move over to an OGC email list soon if you are 
able to provide that infrastructure.

Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Cameron,
> We still need a better definition of what this 'thing' is that we are
> trying to put together.
> You have provided a good start with your example, however I find it
> difficult to believe that all vendors would like their products mastered
> on an Open Source DVD.
> Ideally, I'd like to see this run, managed and maintained by the OGC to
> ensure that the perception of a Level Playing Field is maintained. We
> can and should help to drive 'it'.
> For another suggestion as to what 'it' might be:
> I agree with the need for a scenario driven approach, however this
> should be portable. We'll want to allow additional scenarios in the
> future if this 'thing' is to be portable.
> We could look at sourcing a high performance server and run something
> like VMWare ESX Server as the host platform. OGC would be responsible
> for administering the ESX server.
> We could then offer each vendor the opportunity to configure a virtual
> server using their Operating System of choice, configured and tuned to
> ensure optimal performance for their products. The vendor would be
> responsible for maintaining 'their' virtual server.
> During the event, ESX Admin consoles would need to be made public to
> ensure that all participants to see that all virtual servers were
> allocated equal resources.
> This would then give us a level playing field with which to compare
> product performance on the same set of data.
> This is another take on an 'Integration Showcase'.
> Bruce
>    --
>    Bruce Bannerman
>    Supervisor, Climate Centre Computing Support
>    National Climate Centre
>    Bureau of Meteorology
>    700 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3001
>    Australia
>    Tel: +61 3 9669 4093
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Raj Singh [mailto:rsingh at opengeospatial.org] 
>> Sent: Thursday, 30 October 2008 8:04 AM
>> To: Cameron Shorter
>> Cc: Greg Buehler; Simon Hope; Bruce Bannerman; Jeff McKenna
>> Subject: Re: Geospatial Integration Showcase - meeting notes
>> You talk about creating a server that moves around to 
>> different venues. I like this idea as it would do a few things:
>> - deployable on a LAN, avoiding exploitative Internet access 
>> costs at conferences
>> - take the speed vagaries of the general Internet out of the 
>> equation when examining performance
>> - easier to tweak and administer as it wouldn't be behind a 
>> firewall or subject to some rigid sys admin
>> However, who would own it or at least be the caretaker? OGF? OGC?  
>> Would it be passed down to FOSS4G conference committees?
>> ---
>> Raj
>> On Oct 29, at 3:57 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> Raj, Greg, Simon, Bruce, Jeff,
>>> I'd like to CC this email to the foss4g email list for transparency 
>>> and archiving. Could you please confirm to me that it is ok.
>>> I have ACTION items listed below.
>>> =Geospatial Integration Showcase Teleconference=
>>> 29 October 2008
>> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=10&day=29&y
>>> ear=2008&hour=8&min=0&sec=0&p1=240
>>> Next meeting in 2 weeks:
>>> Tu/We 11 or 12 November 2008. 5pm in New York. 8am in Sydney.
>> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=11&day=12&y
>>> ear=2008&hour=8&min=0&sec=0&p1=240
>>> Present:
>>> * Greg Buehler OGC,
>>> * Raj Singh OGC,
>>> * Cameron Shorter LISAsoft, FOSS4G Australia,
>>> * Bruce Bannerman Bureau of Meteorology, FOSS4G Australia,
>>> * Simon Hope, ESRI Australia, FOSS4G Australia,
>>> * Jeff McKenna, OSGeo Conference/FOSS4G Committees
>>> Agenda:
>>> * Define Integration Showcase
>>> * Identify action items to achieve showcase
>>> Wiki:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geospatial_Integration_Showcase
>>> ==Discussion==
>>> Cameron's definition of showcase:
>>> # The Geospatial Integration Showcase provides an easily 
>> deployable, 
>>> practical demonstration of standards based interoperability between 
>>> geospatial applications.
>>> # Easily redeployed between conferences # Install software on one 
>>> server with numerous virtual machines.
>>> # Client software on another computer
>>> # Open Source LiveDVD will provide core functionality
>>> ==Discussion==
>>> Over email for the next 2 weeks we need to define the Integration 
>>> Showcase. Elements that we need to define are:
>>> === Scenario ===
>>> * What scenario should we use?
>>> * Scenario needs to satisfy sponsors
>>> * Should be Australian based in order to interest local FOSS4G 
>>> attendees
>>> * Noted that Australia is interested in Climate Change and 
>> water (lack 
>>> of it)
>>> * Noted that GEOSS have scenarios (from FOSS4G2008?) that may be 
>>> applicable.
>>> ** ACTION: Greg/Raj to source GEOSS scenarios
>>> * CSIRO/BOM have mandate and budget to address Climate 
>> change and will 
>>> likely be interested.
>>> === Data ===
>>> * Need to source data suppliers
>>> * Bruce doesn't see a problem sourcing data from Australian 
>> government 
>>> agencies
>>> === Marketing/Sponsorship ===
>>> * OGC to use their channels to attract vendors and sponsors
>>> * OGC to add name and take a coordinating role so that the 
>> showcase is 
>>> seen as a Standards based showcase, not an Open Source showcase.
>>> This is important for attracting proprietary vendors.
>>> * OGC likely will be able to provide OGC twiki for collaboration, 
>>> including twiki, issue tracker, email lists. This is better 
>> provided 
>>> by OGC than OSGeo in order to attract proprietary vendors.
>>> * Marketing material should be created, which will likely 
>> include some 
>>> of:
>>> ** Recorded webinar presentation
>>> ** Professionally created movie including screen captures, anchor 
>>> voice over, related images, etc
>>> * ACTION: Greg to confirm what OGC can provide and costs (if any) 
>>> associated with OGC provided services.
>>> === Targeting Vendors ===
>>> * Need to provide attractive value proposition for vendors
>>> * Criteria for vendors is that they are Open Standards. Proprietary 
>>> vendors need to be attracted as well as Open Source. This has been 
>>> iterated on OSGeo email lists.
>>> === Targeting Geospatial Buyers ===
>>> * Testbed needs to put capabilities in front of buyers
>>> === Collaborators on board ===
>>> * Europeans are discussing a "Persistent testbed" which is very 
>>> similar. We need to engage these participants.
>>> * ACTION: Greg/Raj to contact and invite collaboration with 
>> Persistent 
>>> testbed stakeholders.
>>> === Infrastructure ===
>>> * Still needs to be defined
>>> * Potentially a server with multiple virtual machines in a 
>> conference, 
>>> with participants connecting via their clients around the centre
>>> --
>>> Cameron Shorter
>>> Geospatial Systems Architect
>>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source 
>>> http://www.lisasoft.com

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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