[Foss4g2009] Re: [OSGeo-Conf] Re: FOSS4G Online Registration Form

Mark Leslie mark.leslie at lisasoft.com
Sun Apr 5 20:38:01 EDT 2009

I believe Paul offered to write a more directed and entertaining survey 
for us to get information such as job titles, number of reports, 
budgetary responsibility and such.
Paul, do you have time to draft something up?


Note: migrating to foss4g2009 list.

Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Is anyone able to point Nicole at the questions for previous conference 
> registrations?
> I believe there is a workshop questionnaire floating around somewhere 
> too. If you know where it is, please let me know.
> Nicole Hosford wrote:
>> Good Afternoon Cameron,
>> I am currently finalising the first draft version of the FOSS4G online 
>> registration form and I wanted to run a few things by you, to see if 
>> you think they are necessary to include in the form:
>> 1. Are you interested in asking whether people are planning to attend:
>> o            Ignite Spatial
>> o            Installfest
>> o            Birds of a Feather sessions
>> o            Code Sprint
>> We can add brief questions asking whether the delegate is intending to 
>> attend each of the events. This will give us an indication of numbers. 
>> If you do not think these questions are needed then I will not put 
>> them on the form.
>> 2. The following are marketing questions that would typically be 
>> included in our registration forms:
>> *What is your main job function?*
>> /  (tick one only) /**
>> ¨             C-Level
>> ¨             Senior Management
>> ¨             Management
>> ¨             Consultant
>>   Other (Please state________________________________)
>> *  *
>> *  What term best describes your job function?*
>> /  (tick one only) /**
>> ¨             Academic / Trainer
>> ¨             Administration
>> ¨             Business Development
>> ¨             Engineering
>> ¨             Finance
>> ¨             General Management
>> ¨             Human Resources
>> ¨             ICT Management & Support
>> ¨             Marketing / PR
>> ¨             Operations
>> ¨             Research & Development
>> ¨             Sales
>>   Other (Please state________________________________)
>> * *
>> *  Where did you hear about the Conference? *
>> ¨             Industry Colleagues
>> ¨             OSGeo
>> ¨             Conference Wiki
>> ¨             Conference Press Release
>> ¨             Internet search
>> ¨             Advertisement in Position Magazine
>> ¨             Sponsor/exhibitor
>> ¨             Other (Please state__________________________________)
>> *
>> *
>> *What is your main reason for attending the FOSS4G Conference 2009?*
>> /  (tick one only) /**
>> ¨             Conference Programme
>> ¨             Networking
>> ¨             Social events
>> ¨             Trade Exhibition: meet new suppliers/investigate new 
>> products/services
>> ¨             Destination / Holiday
>> ¨             Other (Please state________________________________)
>> Are you happy with these questions or would you like questions 
>> included that ask things such as whether a delegate is a developer or 
>> user etc?
>> If you would like to alter/add to the above, please send through your 
>> changes, or additional questions with their relevant selection of 
>> answers, and I will add these to the current form.
>> Is it possible for you to please send these through to me by 3pm 
>> Monday 6^th April?
>> Kind regards,
>> Nicole

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