[Foss4g2009] Website Submissions

mapbutcher mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com
Sun Jan 18 05:04:40 EST 2009


I have made a series of changes to the current site which can be viewed


Note there is a new left hand menu option: Programme with the following sub
menu items:

   - Conference Schedule
   - Speakers
   - Presentations
   - Workshops
   - Tutorials
   - Posters
   - CCIP
   - Events & Activities
   - Submission Guidelines

I have added what content I can at this stage - the main focus has been
around the Submission Guidelines and Workshop pages. The Submission
Guidelines page contains guidance and links to our OCS instance which I have
set up. I can't make the scheduled meeting this week because of
work commitments - perhaps the following can be added to the agenda?

   1. Do we want to provide Author Guidelines?
   2. Time can you supply some blurb for the speaker page?
   3. Could someone provide a description of the tutorial format so we can
   add this to the tutorial page?
   4. When should we open call for tutorial submissions?
   5. Anybody want to add content for the poster page - Jody do you have
   experience from previous years?
   6. When should we open call for poster submissions - what is the format
   of the submission?
   7. Cameron are you happy with the CCIP page - any more input?
   8. Events and activities - if we're happy with Shelbourne shall we add
   this as the 'welcome reception drinks'?
   9. Submission Acknowledgement email - Cameron within OCS we can configure
   the submission acknowledgement email - could you scratch something together?
   10. Presentation Themes - are we going to have a set of suggested themes?

Can all OC members please create an account in OCS if they do not already
have one - and I will add them into the organising team page within the OCS
instance + I'd like us to test the submission process to iron out issues
before 2nd Feb.

In relation to workshops:

Mark wrote on the 13th Jan:

"Scanning through the docs, I don't see any plan as to how we will be
accepting submissions.  I would expect setting up a word-doc or pdf template
and getting people to just email them in is fine, there shouldn't be an
unwieldy volume.  Unfortunately, since the workshop pages of previous
conferences seem to get retasked with descriptions of the selected
workshops, I don't actually have previous instructions or templates.  Can
anybody direct me to some?"

Are you happy for us to push the submissions through OCS - can you give it a
whirl - do we need to make changes etc?

Mark - If you create an OCS account I'll add you as 'track director' for the
Mark - should we add in a blurb about the workshop submissions into the
track policy on the OCS instance?:

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