[Foss4g2009] website update

mapbutcher mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com
Thu Jan 22 06:17:49 EST 2009

ding dong,
quick update to test site:


1. stay connected section transferred to left hand panel to leave room for
sponsorship logos
2. changes to sponsorship page as recommended by Roald
3. Presentation Themes as suggested by Harley
4. Workshop Themes as suggested by Mark
5. CCIP press release added

The site content is shaping up which is great, but we still need some more
content  - here is a list of areas that still need attention/content:

*Speakers - do we have anybody confirmed and if so can we get bio's
*Roald made a comment in relation to having a page that represents our theme
'user driven' - i.e. what it means, what can delegates expect etc?
*Events & Activities - did the OC decide on the shelbourne at the meeting

I don't think the content needs to be complete - however we have to release
the new site when Kirsty releases the sponsorship prospectus so it would be
cool to get at least some basic content for these outstanding items before
we release.

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