[Foss4g2009] "newbie" section on FOSS4G website?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Sat May 9 07:01:04 EDT 2009

You raise an excellent point here, about wanting to see an OSGeo for 
newbies webpage.

I'm CCing the idea to the OSGeo web committee to see if they have plans 
in this direction already. If someone were to write a "Free Geospatial 
Software for newbies" web page, can that be slotted into the OSGeo 
website appropriately? Is something like this already on the todo list, 
that one of our foss4g volunteers can help out with?

Stephen Lead wrote:
> I'm an experienced GIS user, but I've only ever used commercial GIS 
> software. I'm intrigued to learn more about free and open source GIS 
> software but I don't really know where to start.
> I reckon most of my GIS friends would be in the same position as me. 
> Do you think it's worthwhile putting a "getting started" section on 
> the FOSS4G website letting us know where to start?
> Eg the conference DVD will include some FOSS GIS software. Is any of 
> it available online already, and if so where can we download it and 
> start playing with it before the conference? That way we would have a 
> better idea of which sessions to attend, and would have a more 
> compelling reason to attend in the first place.
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Steve
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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