[Foss4g2009] Re: [OSGeo-Conf] Re:FOSS4G Conference Presentations and an academictrack

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Tue May 26 13:11:36 EDT 2009

On 26-May-09, at 9:50 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> If we're starting to get good at this (and it seems, with the
> reviewers and the journal system and all that) perhaps a direct route
> to having an ISBN, etc, would be to publish a proceedings each year on
> Lulu. Hard copies available, ISBN, etc.
> P

Our team has grown and we're slowly learning the ins and outs of  
OJS.  We are still finding our feet dealing with peer review and a  
timely publishing schedule, but this could be a reasonable annual  
task for the group to take on.

I am already targeting that all new OSGeo Journal issue will be  
available on Lulu anyway, so that'd be reasonable and wouldn't add to  
our workload much more.

However, if there was any expectation that the OSGeo Journal group  
had to coordinate with another publisher like Springer, etc. (and  
their specifications, processes, etc.) I would expect it to be more  
overhead that we would want to take on through the OSGeo Journal team.


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