[Foss4g2009] Re: Academic link to foss4g posters?

Venka venka.osgeo at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 06:24:51 EDT 2009

Hi All,

About the Call for posters, I was under the
impression that many worthy submissions that
could not make it to the oral session who be
automatically selected for the poster session.
I think this was the case in previous FOSS4G
conferences. Hope there will be a core-time
during which poster authors would be available
in front of their poster to answer questions.

Best regards


Thierry Badard wrote:
> Cameron Shorter a écrit :
>> Thierry,
>> I notice that in 2007, foss4g posters had the opportunity to publish 
>> their posters.
>> Should we be setting up something similar in 2009? If so, how do you 
>> suggest we set it up?
>> Is this something that can be coordinated through the academic community?
>> Feel free to add details at:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Posters
> Hi Cameron,
> I am sorry for the late reply to your request but I have been totally 
> overwhelmed with work these last few weeks.
> About your question, I am a little bit surprised because posters are 
> usually not published. Posters are often only briefly reviewed (just to 
> check the poster meets the requirements and the topics of the 
> conference). Sometimes, a panflet gathering all poster abstracts 
> (including title and authors names and affiliations) is printed, but it 
> is not an official publication.
> Do you have more info about what has been done in 2007?
> Cheers,
> Th.

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