[Foss4g2010] Trouble confirming/updating workshop questions

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Sat Feb 6 05:29:20 EST 2010

Tyler, we'll have to wait monday morning becuase Grupo Pacifico is closed
during the week-end and, due to time zones, your message arrived during the
night of friday.

guess we will found a solution on monday morning


On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 1:28 AM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
<tmitchell at osgeo.org>wrote:

> FYI - Last week I tried to answer the additional questions for our
> workshop - using the GP website.  It said I submitted a malformed email
> address and would not let me pass.
> I received a reminder to do it this morning and tried but there is no
> longer any way to log into the web site to make such adjustments.  I
> assume it was removed strictly on Feb 5th at 13:00 when abstract updates
> were closed.
> I emailed both time but have not heard back about whether the trouble is
> fixed.  Can anyone else confirm that they were able to update okay?  I
> hope it is only me :)
> Tyler
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