[Foss4g2011] Re: Academic Track Call for Abstracts

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 05:05:08 EST 2011

On 02.02.2011 16:20, Helena Mitasova wrote:
>> i am still not in favor of 30 minutes slot for each paper.
> I have already expressed many times my opinion that,
> given the advances in presentation technology,
> and my 20+ years of experience going to several conferences per year
>   20 minute slots for presentations in both regular and academic sessions is plenty
> of time to get through your message and showcase what you are doing, especially
> given that this is annual event so we mostly hear from the same people each year.
> This reduces the number of concurrent sessions or gives more people chance to talk -
> any of it is beneficial.
> But it looks like most organizing committees think that 30 min slots for talks
> are absolutely necessary so I have pretty much given up the fight and I am speaking up again
> only because Venka has raised the issue. So I just wanted to let you know
> that I still support shorter, 20min slots (15+5 or 18+2 talk and discussion) for the talks
> but it is the program committee that makes the decision, so I am OK with whatever
> length they chose,
> Helena

This discussion really comes up every year. I also like to repeat my 
opinion, I think 30 mins for presentation are great, as people often 
need to change rooms for other presentations, there was quite some 
distance between them in Sydney, as well as in Barcelona. So I prefer 
20+5+5 (talk+discussion+changing rooms).


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