[foss4g2014] Last meeting comments

Tim Welch tim.j.welch at gmail.com
Sat Aug 16 08:37:37 PDT 2014

I can make the website changes.  Will ping with any questions.

On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 7:41 AM, Darrell Fuhriman <darrell at garnix.org> wrote:
> Comments may only make sense if you’re following along in the meeting notes.
> 1) We already have a foss4g account on Mapbox (it’s used on the front page).
> Contact me for details
> 2) +1 updating the website. We need Gala info, more prominent map gallery,
> also directions to the workshops, etc. <-This is the perfect bite-sized job
> for someone!
> 3) Badges. IIRC, They can be printed by the company doing the other signage.
> We have some drafts EVH did a while back, but they need to be fixed into a
> form that can be used to print:
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/blgoo30t4jz0wur/AABSvM6zLXwtjdGL7-_e_HQla/Printed%20Badge%20Logos
> 4) re: printed program changes.  Elizabeth never responded to me about how
> she wanted changes communicated. There’s still some last minute shuffling of
> the program. I think this is going to be a problem, and Elizabeth’s often
> poor at communication which won’t help.
> Actually, Elizabeth’s slow responses have me worried in general as we get
> down to time crunch.
> 5) I’m not sure that tracking down lots of hotel links for people is a good
> use of our time. They all know how to use the Internet.
> 6) Neil: Give me the dimensions of the printed logo for the USB drives, and
> I’ll get the logo done up. We’ll probably have to go with Helen + FOSS4G
> text to make it legible.
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