[foss4g2014] Video at the FODD4G Conference

Darrell Fuhriman darrell at garnix.org
Fri Jan 31 12:25:44 PST 2014

Hi Anthony, 

We've actually already selected a vendor to do the conference. If for some reason that falls through, we'd be happy to get in touch.


On Jan 31, 2014, at 11:59, Anthony Allen <anthony at acavideo.com> wrote:

> Hi All -
> Jeff McKenna suggested that I post to this list. 
> My company produces video at events and wanted to know if we could bid on recording your upcoming FOSS4G event in Portland.
> I've been very involved in the open source community for years: dozens of events for Node, Python and W3C just to name a few.
> We offer instant upload (no waiting for the edits). I believe that instant upload of conference recordings is one of the best ways to support open-source devs across the globe.
> Please let me know if you are having an open RFP for video for the conference. Thank you very much!
> Anthony
> anthony at acavideo dot com
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