[foss4g2014] OPT Hack-a-thon?

Garlynn Woodsong Garlynn at calthorpe.com
Wed Mar 5 10:44:23 PST 2014

Folks from the Open Scenario Planning Tools (OPT) group (of which I'm on the steering committee) are interested in exploring the idea of hosting a hack-a-thon at Foss4g; we would be reaching out to our membership over the coming weeks & months to choose topics, but does this sound like something of interest? Darrell & other folks specifically working on the coordination of workshops & hack-a-thons, would you be interested in a call to discuss with some folks from the OPT group over the next couple of weeks?

Garlynn Woodsong
Project Manager
C A L T H O R P E  A S S O C I A T E S
+(1) 510 913-5472 (cell)
garlynn at calthorpe.com<mailto:garlynn at calthorpe.com>- www.calthorpe.com<http://www.calthorpe.com/>

On Feb 25, 2014, at 12:08 PM, Darrell Fuhriman wrote:

Details as usual: http://calagator.org/events/1250465710


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