[FOSS4G2016] ToDo's before FOSS4G 2015

till.adams at fossgis.de till.adams at fossgis.de
Thu Aug 13 00:35:54 PDT 2015

Hi FOSS4G-Orga-Team!

I am back from paradise - bad for me, bad for you, because this means, 
that I am starting again to jangle your nerves... ;-)

We have FOSS4G-2015 right in front and FOSS4G-2015 means for us, that 
some things should be done for this.
In Seoul I will have a 10 minutes slot in the closing session in Seoul 
to announce our 2016-conference.
 From 18th of september on, the focus will change from the 2015 
conference to ours.

So, I'd like to suggest, that we use this "pressure" to get some things 
in motion again, especially these:

1. Invitation-Movie for Seoul
We will have to finish the short movie, that we started to shoot in 
early May. For this I already talked to Olaf for some timeslots.
We have many photos and short scenes from WCCB, pub locations, base 
camp, from Bonn in general (top of City Hall, top of Langer Eugen) and 
also from events in Bonn such as "Rhein in Flammen", Flea Market 

With this material wed like to present all of our activities we are 
planning during the conference.

If there are any ideas, please commit them to me!

2. Webpage
I'd really like to have at least a small, but finalized 1st version 
with some basic informations on the webpage.
How could we proceed on here?

3. Sponsorship
I'd really like Arnulf and Hinrich to finalize the sponsoring packages, 
as Seoul is a good point to start our own sponsoring aquisition 
(officially). Also we can offer to sponsors to have their logo on the 
webpage for at least a full year, if they are early (means also, finish 
the sponsoiring page on 2.).
BTW: Do we need an "early beard" sponsoring discount? In 2015 they had 
one, my personal opinion is, that we don't need this, because we are 
strong enough.

4. Marketing Material
Are we happy with the postcards as material we can spread over the 
world in Seoul (and of course on other events?) or do we need more, such 
as sticker, flyer, T-shirts etc. ??
@Marketing team from the Netherlands: What do you think?

Are there any other issues I don't see for now?

Regards, Till

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