[FOSS4G2016] A postcard for promoting the conference on print media

Christian Willmes c.willmes at uni-koeln.de
Thu Jul 2 01:35:59 PDT 2015

Hi all,

sorry for the short interruption here, but this one pains me a lot and I 
need to speak up! ;)

Am 02.07.2015 um 10:20 schrieb Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting 
> Based upon the "official" slogan of the city of Bonn ("Freude - Joy  - Joie - Bonn"),
> it could be something like "Code - Map - Talk - Bonn"
Please don't mess with that slogan, because it is way too good. In my 
understanding this slogan derives from the 9th symphony [1] of one of 
the greatest sons of Bonn (or even of this Planet) Ludwig van Beethoven! 
:) It comes from the choral "Ode to Joy" (An die Freude), based on the 
famous poem by Schiller and also the anthem of the European Union.... so 
please, it should stick up to this level, if you really want to mess 
with this. ;)

(I look forward to join the LoC from later this year, when I am 
hopefully done with my PhD scheduled for this autumn.)


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony_No._9_%28Beethoven%29

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