[FOSS4G2016] operation of the lists foss4g2016-private at lists.osgeo.org & foss4g2016 at lists.osgeo.org

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sat Mar 14 05:47:11 PDT 2015

I think it's about how your local team is most comfortable.  I like your 

Private list is good for sensitive issues like sponsors (and the 
inevitable sponsors asking for their workshop to be accepted and then 
debating that within your local team), or discussing any range of 
requests from the community with your team members (example is 
complementary passes) or incident reports (yes this happens at FOSS4Gs 
now)...you just can't discuss these issues publicly.

Also, after doing this so many years, as you have, I see that in 'crunch 
time' (the 2 months or so before the event), that is when committee 
members really need the private list for a fast message sent to only 
committee members to decide something super-fast.  Right now, so long 
away from the event, things can easily happen on the public list, but, 
as it approaches the event I imagine the need to speak directly to 
fellow committee members will increase.

Yes we are open, it is FOSS4G.  But the community does understand that 
the LOC needs to sometimes "get things done", so you shouldn't feel 
pressure to have every discussion in the public.

I do love your plan though.  Sorry for my long email.

So, ha, my short answer is: yes sounds good!  :)


On 2015-03-13 6:09 PM, Till Adams wrote:
> Hi all,
> I talked about this topic yesterday with Volker.
> I want to suggest to use this list for all communication around the
> FOSS4G 2016 - that's because we are open ;-)
> The private list
> foss4g2016-private at lists.osgeo.org
> should only be used for any financial issues.
> Any comments on that suggestion?
> Regards, Till
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