[FOSS4G2016] Update 11.05.2015

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Mon May 11 01:37:44 PDT 2015

Dear list!

I have some updates regarding the plannings of FOSS4G 2016 I want to
share with you.

1. On May, 18th we have a time slot for shooting our movie and also let
Volker Mische see the rooms inside WCCB.

2. I had a nice meeting with my friend Olaf, who wants to make that
movie. Beside emptying 3 bottles of wine we had a lot of very good ideas ;-)

3. The network of the "Geobusiness Region Bonn" is awarded for the
"Geospatial Business Hub of the Year" which will be given to
representatives from Bonn end of May on the Geospatial World Summit.
Together with that, we are planning to reelase some marketing stuff
(small flyer with location, date and so on).

4. We also defenitely need any preliminary website with the most
important planning dates.
In this context, @Jeff, how could we redirect the sub-directory
"http://2016.foss4g.org/" to another IP? Is there a person on the OSGeo
side to contact?

5. For us this means, that we defenitely need a hosting server for our
website. Anybody shouting "here" to care for this?

6. My idea is also to kick out the "quest for sponsorship" that time
officially. Before doing that, I will talk with Sanghee from the
2015-team in ordern ot to disturb their process.

So far, Till

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