[FOSS4G2016] Update 11.05.2015

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon May 11 05:31:20 PDT 2015

Hi Till,

Regarding the website URL and redirection, you'll need to create a 
ticket in the OSGeo trac (use the component "Systems Admin").  An 
example ticket is the one I used for the Seoul team: 

My best advice is to have your tech person file the ticket 
herself/himself, as you can see that from that previous ticket that the 
OSGeo Systems team likes to deal directly with your tech person.  (I 
believe on our/OSGeo side we need to change a DNS "A Record" to point 
http://2016.foss4g.org/ to your server IP).

When you do file the ticket, please post the ticket link here in this 
thread so I can follow along and maybe poke/nudge the right person to 
get it done :)


On 2015-05-11 5:37 AM, Till Adams wrote:
> Dear list!
> I have some updates regarding the plannings of FOSS4G 2016 I want to
> share with you.
> 1. On May, 18th we have a time slot for shooting our movie and also let
> Volker Mische see the rooms inside WCCB.
> 2. I had a nice meeting with my friend Olaf, who wants to make that
> movie. Beside emptying 3 bottles of wine we had a lot of very good ideas ;-)
> 3. The network of the "Geobusiness Region Bonn" is awarded for the
> "Geospatial Business Hub of the Year" which will be given to
> representatives from Bonn end of May on the Geospatial World Summit.
> Together with that, we are planning to reelase some marketing stuff
> (small flyer with location, date and so on).
> 4. We also defenitely need any preliminary website with the most
> important planning dates.
> In this context, @Jeff, how could we redirect the sub-directory
> "http://2016.foss4g.org/" to another IP? Is there a person on the OSGeo
> side to contact?
> 5. For us this means, that we defenitely need a hosting server for our
> website. Anybody shouting "here" to care for this?
> 6. My idea is also to kick out the "quest for sponsorship" that time
> officially. Before doing that, I will talk with Sanghee from the
> 2015-team in ordern ot to disturb their process.
> So far, Till

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