[FOSS4G2016] Volunteer for FOSS4G2016

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Tue May 12 02:32:57 PDT 2015

Dear list,

responding to this long time ago email (see below) I would invite
Hinrich to go forward with the sponsorship-issue.

In my eyes the whole theme needs some preparation and also some
coordination with the Seoul Team, as we do not want to create confusion
on the one side but also want to start as early as possible to give
potential sponsors some time to decide.

Also we need a finalized list of sponsorship levels. There are some
ideas about that in our proposal already [1]. We included a kind of
supporter package due to Seoul [2] and I guess also Portland [3] offered
s.th. like this - but more expensive. I could imagine to lower this and
to rise the other packages, which are coupled to the exhibition as well.

Sanghee also sent an email and divided sponsors into gropups, see
mailtext below. I already received the mail with his contacts and will
pass them over to Hinrich. There are also a lot of local GIs companies
and also big players in Bonn we want to attract for sponsorship

Any comments on that? Any other people wanting to support Hinrich with that?

Regards, Till

[2] http://2015.foss4g.org/sponsorship/sponsorship-package/
[3] https://2014.foss4g.org/sponsor-foss4g/sponsorships/

Am 20.04.2015 um 13:46 schrieb Hinrich Paulsen:
> Dear list,
> first, I would like to congratulate all people involved who managed to
> get the FOSS4G to take place in Bonn! What a great opportunity for the
> city and all of us who live here.
> Second, after having talked to Till I am beginning to appreciate how
> much work will have to go into the preparation of the FOSS4G 2016 and
> would therefore like to volunteer to help finding sponsors. Please let
> me know if and how you would like me to proceed.
> Best regards,
> Hinrich

Mail from Sanghee:

1. Global big giant like Google, Samsung, Intel
- I agree with Darrel’s approach. You need to approach as early as
possible. When Seoul team approached Samsung here in Seoul, we were told
that Samsung usually allocate their sponsoring budget 12~24 months in
advance before the event. So currently it’s not so easy to get
sponsorship from Samsung, we’re trying our best to get sponsorship from
Samsung though. Seoul team started marketing activities around at the
end of FOSS4G 2014.
- For this group, customised private style email works well.

2. Government
- Government sponsorship is also great revenue source of the conference.
Government can sponsor the event only when they have specific
plan/grounds to sponsor the event in their budget, at least in Korea.
So, to put plan/grounds to the budget bill, you need to move quickly to
persuade officers in government. Tourism Board or Convention Bureau
usually give subsidy based on numbers of early bird registration.
- For this group, face to face meeting works well

3. Frequent FOSS4G sponsors like GeoCat, Boundless, Oslandia
- They are real our friends. They are glancing at our activities and if
we ask sponsorship, they usually do.
- For this group, MailChimp/OSGeo discuss mailing lists works well

4. Local geospatial companies
- They don’t have much interest in marketing themselves outside of their
country. Some Korean companies sponsor the FOSS4G Seoul with various
interesting reasons. For example because they use open source GIS or
because they want to contribute back to community or because they feel
they owed too much to OSGeo or because CEO is my friend…
- For this group, face to face/Local media/Local chapter mailing lists
works well.

You may use MailChimp for your marketing. However I don’t think
MailChimp is a good way to request sponsorship especially from global
big company. Frequent FOSS4G sponsors usually respond to the MailChimp
because they are ready to help us. However other groups do not respond
well. Customised private style email is the best way, I think.

I’ll extract sponsors list from MailChimp and then will hand over to Till.

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