[FOSS4G2016] Volunteer for FOSS4G2016

Hinrich Paulsen paulsen at terrestris.de
Tue May 12 03:41:41 PDT 2015

Dear list,

am standing by to get going but would love to team up with somebody
since I feel that a lot of work is headed my way. So, quite unselfishly,
;-) I can only reinforce Tills call for participation.

Best regards,


Am 12.05.2015 um 11:32 schrieb Till Adams:
> Dear list,
> responding to this long time ago email (see below) I would invite
> Hinrich to go forward with the sponsorship-issue.
> In my eyes the whole theme needs some preparation and also some
> coordination with the Seoul Team, as we do not want to create confusion
> on the one side but also want to start as early as possible to give
> potential sponsors some time to decide.
> Also we need a finalized list of sponsorship levels. There are some
> ideas about that in our proposal already [1]. We included a kind of
> supporter package due to Seoul [2] and I guess also Portland [3] offered
> s.th. like this - but more expensive. I could imagine to lower this and
> to rise the other packages, which are coupled to the exhibition as well.
> Sanghee also sent an email and divided sponsors into gropups, see
> mailtext below. I already received the mail with his contacts and will
> pass them over to Hinrich. There are also a lot of local GIs companies
> and also big players in Bonn we want to attract for sponsorship
> Any comments on that? Any other people wanting to support Hinrich with that?
> Regards, Till
> [1]
> http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/proposals/2016/Proposal-FOSS4G2016-Bonn.pdf
> [2] http://2015.foss4g.org/sponsorship/sponsorship-package/
> [3] https://2014.foss4g.org/sponsor-foss4g/sponsorships/
> Am 20.04.2015 um 13:46 schrieb Hinrich Paulsen:
>> Dear list,
>> first, I would like to congratulate all people involved who managed to
>> get the FOSS4G to take place in Bonn! What a great opportunity for the
>> city and all of us who live here.
>> Second, after having talked to Till I am beginning to appreciate how
>> much work will have to go into the preparation of the FOSS4G 2016 and
>> would therefore like to volunteer to help finding sponsors. Please let
>> me know if and how you would like me to proceed.
>> Best regards,
>> Hinrich
> Mail from Sanghee:
> 1. Global big giant like Google, Samsung, Intel
> - I agree with Darrel’s approach. You need to approach as early as
> possible. When Seoul team approached Samsung here in Seoul, we were told
> that Samsung usually allocate their sponsoring budget 12~24 months in
> advance before the event. So currently it’s not so easy to get
> sponsorship from Samsung, we’re trying our best to get sponsorship from
> Samsung though. Seoul team started marketing activities around at the
> end of FOSS4G 2014.
> - For this group, customised private style email works well.
> 2. Government
> - Government sponsorship is also great revenue source of the conference.
> Government can sponsor the event only when they have specific
> plan/grounds to sponsor the event in their budget, at least in Korea.
> So, to put plan/grounds to the budget bill, you need to move quickly to
> persuade officers in government. Tourism Board or Convention Bureau
> usually give subsidy based on numbers of early bird registration.
> - For this group, face to face meeting works well
> 3. Frequent FOSS4G sponsors like GeoCat, Boundless, Oslandia
> - They are real our friends. They are glancing at our activities and if
> we ask sponsorship, they usually do.
> - For this group, MailChimp/OSGeo discuss mailing lists works well
> 4. Local geospatial companies
> - They don’t have much interest in marketing themselves outside of their
> country. Some Korean companies sponsor the FOSS4G Seoul with various
> interesting reasons. For example because they use open source GIS or
> because they want to contribute back to community or because they feel
> they owed too much to OSGeo or because CEO is my friend…
> - For this group, face to face/Local media/Local chapter mailing lists
> works well.
> You may use MailChimp for your marketing. However I don’t think
> MailChimp is a good way to request sponsorship especially from global
> big company. Frequent FOSS4G sponsors usually respond to the MailChimp
> because they are ready to help us. However other groups do not respond
> well. Customised private style email is the best way, I think.
> I’ll extract sponsors list from MailChimp and then will hand over to Till.
> _______________________________________________
> FOSS4G2016 mailing list
> FOSS4G2016 at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/foss4g2016

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terrestris GmbH & Co. KG
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Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6835

vertreten durch: terrestris Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Geogr. Hinrich Paulsen
Dipl.-Geogr. Till Adams

Tel. 0228 - 962 899 51
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Internet: www.terrestris.de


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