[FOSS4G2016] [Program] Trim down meeting

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 09:04:52 PDT 2016

Hi Program-Committee,

this is a reminder that you should go through the "undecided" talks and
put them into the "discuss" sheet under the "from the undecided list"
section. You can also leave comments in the undecided list if you think
a talk should definitely be out.

In case you've lost the link to the Google Docs Spreadsheet, let me know
and I'll email it again. Please don't share this link publicly as it can
be edited by everyone who has that link.


PS: Please also make sure to cast your vote on the Doodle about the next
meeting at http://doodle.com/poll/be48m4s8cr8wg6un

On 04/02/2016 03:35 PM, Volker Mische wrote:
> Hi Program-Committee,
> there's still time to review, but we should also agree on some time to
> do the actual selection. The selection process will follow the steps we
> did in 2014 [1].
> I propose doing it the same way as in 2014, I'll prepare a Google
> Spreadsheet where I'll put the results. We will then take this as a
> basis for our discussions. We will then go through it via Google
> Hangouts/Skype/whatever you prefer. This means we need some time where
> all of us have the time to do it. If someone can't participate, that's
> not a big deal, but the more we are the better.
> I've created a Doodle [2] so that we can easily find the best time.
> Please plan for about 3h of time (if you've less time, again, no
> worries, better help a bit than not at all :) So please fill out the Doodle.
> You will then of course be able to do the reviews until we have the
> first meeting (I'll do a fresh export on the day of the meeting).
> We will then have a second meeting to group the talks together, so it
> would be good if you have some time the week after :)
> [1]: http://2014.foss4g.org/abstract-review-process-for-foss4g-2014/
> [2]: http://doodle.com/poll/xriqs2asedmczdr9
> Cheers,
>   Volker

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