[FOSS4G2016] website: "Your ideas board" on the website is finally up and running.

Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl gert-jan at osgeo.nl
Sat Apr 23 13:37:44 PDT 2016

Anja, Carmen, Marc & Codrina,


Finally our "your ideas" board is up and running.

It's an external servie (NoteApp) incorporated as an iframe in our site
(article ID 109 in Contao).

You can find it by simply scrolling down the homepage.


@Anja, @Carmen: I haven't incorporated it in the menu structure yet. Could
one of you be so kind to do so.


Thanks to Till for arranging a free but yet embeddable account with the
NoteApp folks!


I've added the 4 of you to the administrators group; you received an email
with the credentials.

At this time anybody can add items without having to log in. Let's see in
the forthcoming weeks if this works well.

If people are leaving spam or other unwanted messages we might consider to
restrict access with a (common) username+password





Gert-Jan (who can now add "experience with Contao" to his resumé...)


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