[FOSS4G2016] IRC chat today 18 p.m. CET

till.adams at fossgis.de till.adams at fossgis.de
Thu Feb 25 00:00:19 PST 2016

Hi all,

thanks to Gert-Jan for reminding me.

Due to the fact, that most of the voters voted for a shift from 17h to 
18h I'd suggest to have the IRC in general at 18h.
Sorry @Hinrich, you were the only that did not vote for a shift, but we 
are in close contact anyhow.

Today I'll try to make it on 18h, but in the moment I am in munich and 
will be in the train later and the way I have is quite unsure regarding 
internet-connection (innermost Bavaria ;-)).
This time not for football, but for business. So don't marvel, when I 
don't show up... so Gert-Jan, could you take the chair today?

Sorry, I didn't ask, but could somebody who joined last weeks meeting 
write down some minutes here:

I started an agenda, but for now there aren't so much topics:


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