[FOSS4G2016] [Program] Call for Presentations draft

carmen at foss4g2016.org carmen at foss4g2016.org
Sun Jan 10 06:29:20 PST 2016

Hi Volker, Codrina, list,

after last week, where you discussed important things and I was ill, I 
can finally concentrate again :)
Here are my thoughts:

For our website no separate pages are planned for presentations / 
workshops but it will all be put in submenus under 
http://2016.foss4g.org/schedule.html . Therefore I would extract only 
Format / Submissions / ToIs from your draft for the website and leave 
the introduction and important dates for the announcement covering 
presentations / AT / workshops.

If you agree, the workshop text should follow the same structure for the 


Am 2016-01-07 08:16, schrieb Volker Mische:
> Hi Codrina,
> On 01/06/2016 11:23 PM, Codrina Maria Ilie wrote:
>> 1. We need to change 2015 with 2016 :)
> Thanks, fixed.
>> 2. Are this year's topics established? I am sorry to have missed that.
>> :(  I think that when sending out the call for papers it is essential
>> that we consider (write about) the "side tracks" such as the open data
>> or remote sensing, if, in the end that will be the case. I am talking
>> here of explicitly pointing out our openness towards whatever other
>> adjacent communities we choose to engage with and let that be heard. 
>> We
>> did say we are building bridges, right? :) I can see that the academic
>> track is sided completely. Is that the way it has been always done? I
>> know it is traditionally separated, but even in the very first
>> announcement?
> The topics should of course be included in the call once they are 
> there.
> This is only about the presentations. The call via email should include
> the general track, academic track and workshops. I would expect
> something like in the previous years [2][3].
>> I am thinking that maybe, this year, we could change the format of our
>> call for papers, just a little bit, considering that, as you said,
>> usually it is the same. All the information, of course, will be
>> delivered, but maybe in a softer way.
>> What say you?
> I'm happy for suggestions. If anyone wants to formulate things
> differently, please go ahead.
> [2]: 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2015-February/013966.html
> [3]: 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-February/012732.html
> Cheers,
>   Volker
>> On 06/01/16 20:09, Volker Mische wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've created a draft for the Call for Presentations website at [1].
>>> Please have a look. It's basically a copy&paste for the previous 
>>> FOSS4Gs.
>>> [1]:
>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2016_Call_for_Presentations_Website
>>> Cheers,
>>>    Volker
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