[FOSS4G2016] Invitation to contribute to the Scientific Committee and as reviewer (draft)

till.adams at fossgis.de till.adams at fossgis.de
Sun Jan 10 23:39:53 PST 2016

Hi Franz-Josef,

I likeo your text, but I'd rather like it more, if you'd try to get our 
slogan "building Bridges" into your text and also hint in your topics 
for CfP to our key-topics:
"remote sensing"
"Open Data"
"Land Information"
"Disaster Management"

I know, that's more important for the real call for paper, but anyhow 
important to get that in all of our brains ;-)


Am 2016-01-10 22:24, schrieb Franz-Josef Behr:
> Hi!
>  Please find below the draft of Pradeep and me "Invitation to
> contribute to the Scientific Committee and as reviewer".
>  Any comments until tomorrow (Monday) evening are welcome!
>  Viele Grüße / Best regards
>  Franz-Josef
>  The GEOSPATIAL OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITY strives together with the OSGEO
> FOUNDATION for excellence in all their endeavours to achieve the
> highest levels of learned interactions through its FOSS4G 
> conferences.
> Each conference is a milestone as well as a stepping stone for the
> FOSS GIS community as well as for the whole world which, with each
> passing day, realizes that FOSS is the way forward in the post-Kyoto
>  The annual FOSS4G CONFERENCE, being held in 2016 IN BONN, GERMANY 
> (24
> -- 26 AUG), is the largest global gathering focused on open source
> geospatial software. FOSS4G brings together developers, users,
> decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations
> and fields of operation. Through six days of workshops, 
> presentations,
> discussions, and cooperation, FOSS4G participants create effective 
> and
> relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols.
>  To enable FOSS4G to achieve its aims and foster the spirit of
> openness in geospatial computing, this call is made for all who are 
> interested in the FOSS4G philosophy to express interest in BECOMING
> conference. Potential topics are listed at the bottom of
>  The  SC will steer the course of the conference, and will decide on
> the tracks, the lead speakers, the sessions, the chairs, and of 
> course
> the presentations that will be made. In addition recommendations for
> further publication of selected papers in TGIS, IJC, or OSGeo Journal
> can be given.
>  Additionally we welcome you and other scientists to express their
> interest for a key input that sustains the quality of presentations
> and publications in each FOSS4G, i.e., REVIEWING THE SUBMISSIONS!
>  Please send expressions of interest to participate in the SC and/or
> reviewers panel to the chairs listed below.
>  Thank you for your support!
>  Yours truly,
>  Franz-Josef Behr  and  A.P. Pradeepkumar
> ________________________________________________________________________
>  FOSS4G 2016 Academic Track
>  http://2014.foss4g.org/ojs/index.php/foss4g2014 [1]
>  Questions & remarks to the Academic Track Chairs:
>  Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Behr - franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de [2]
>  Prof. Dr. A.P. Pradeepkumar - geo.pradeep at gmail.com [3]
>  •    Architectures and frameworks for open source software and
> data
>  •    Business Models for Open Source / Open Data
>  •    Data Quality, Software Quality and Service Quality
>  •    Community Building
>  •    Doing more for less: Assessment of costs and benefits of
> open source applications and open source business models
>  •    Use of Open Data in public administration and services
>  •    FOSS and FOSS4G: Is spatial special?
>  •    Approaches to combine open and closed software
>  •    Teaching Geospatial Sciences with open source solutions
>  •    History of Geospatial Open Standards
>  •    Open Database Protection
>  •    Open Data Resources, Linked Open Data, Open Data Commons,
> Open Data Best Practices
>  •    Open Data Technologies and Interoperability
>  •    Cross-border approaches, Political Open Data Support,
> Licensing Policies
>  •    Open Source GIS application use cases, i.e.,  in local and
> regional administrations, landscape planning, participatory GIS,
> Location based services, health, energy supply, water, climate 
> change,
> transportation, agriculture and forestry, disaster management, and
> retailing/marketing
>  •    Implementation and benefits of open standards, needs for
> further developments in standardization
> Links:
> ------
> [1] http://2014.foss4g.org/ojs/index.php/foss4g2014
> [2] mailto:franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
> [3] mailto:geo.pradeep at gmail.com

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