[FOSS4G2016] [Program] Lightning Talks

Christian Willmes c.willmes at uni-koeln.de
Wed Jan 13 00:52:39 PST 2016


the name of this kind of session is not important to me. Though, demo is 
a bit constraint of just showing an application. I also want to have 
"crazy" ideas and such. :-)

I think having such a spot for the underdogs, even if they may can't 
present that well (its just 5 min at max.) is very worthwhile to have.

As long as it is a normal session (not during lunch or something like 
that), I would be happy to volunteer organizing this kind of session.


On 13.01.2016 09:45, till.adams at fossgis.de wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> thanks for your explanation. I know the form of lightning talks ;-)
> I am not really convinced about your idea about the format. I think
> there are a lot of interpretations of lightning talks and mine is
> completely different from yours ;-). Maybe I am little stamped by former
> FOSS4G conferences, but I liked the format lightning talks were
> presented there - well prepared 5''-talks, presented by really good
> speakers that gave an impulse in a humorous way. Perhaps the idea of
> spontaneous talks is nice, but I am not convinced of having that in our
> conference-programme, because I've seen too many bad prepared and no
> well performed short talks on past conferences. The character of a
> LT-session gets lost, if there is no "speed" because of bad presenters...
> What I thought of some month ago was re-activating the "demo theatre" we
> had on past conferences, I think last time was 2008 in Capetown. The
> theatre was an open stage where everybody could jump on during break
> times and talk for a few minutes. There would be room for that, but we'd
> need an organizer and moderator for that ;-)
> Till
> Am 2016-01-13 09:28, schrieb Christian Willmes:
>> Hi all,
>> LT's are from my point of view a platform for short talks, from
>> underdogs, that got not accepted with a full talk, or for things that
>> are just emerged very recently before the conference.
>> The fun thing of this format is, that anybody can hand in a Talk on
>> very short notice. This short notice can be some (few) days before the
>> conference, but on the CCC Congress for example [1][2], you can just
>> come up to the stage with a PDF of your presentation and you can shout
>> out your news.
>> The main constraint is the time for the talk, you have 5 min. sharp.
>> The session chair has to cut the microphone then and hand over to the
>> next LT presenter.
>> Further constraint is, that this format should not contain sales
>> pitches for a product. The session chair has to take care of
>> interrupting the presenter if this is the case.
>> Further, this LT format should not have a prime spot in the program
>> rooster.
>> An afternoon parallel session block is fine. Mostly people who don't
>> know what to attend instead or just want to get random ideas attend
>> this LT's as audience.
>> I would really like to see this kind of LT's too, its very inspiring
>> and gives a stage to the underdogs.
>> Cheers,
>> Christian
>> [1] https://events.ccc.de/2015/12/20/32c3-lightning-talks/
>> [2] https://media.ccc.de/v/32c3-7559-lightning_talks_day_3
>> On 12.01.2016 16:43, Christian Mayer wrote:
>>> Hi Till, hi Volker, hi all,
>>> I really love the concept of lightning talks, but as Till wrote a LT has
>>> to be more than just a short talk. So I agree that it might be a good
>>> idea to have an info text what is expected by a LT and separate the LT
>>> proposals from the normal talk proposals. The submission by mail might
>>> give a bit higher boundary instead of just checking a radio button in
>>> the normal cfp system.
>>> For the slots: I would prefer the LTs to be a part of the plenary
>>> session instead of having a separate LT session.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Chris
>>> --
>>> Christian Mayer
>>> GIS-Spezialist & Software-Developer
>>> meggsimum
>>> Hauptstraße 165a | 67125 Dannstadt-Schauernheim
>>> chris at meggsimum.de | www.meggsimum.de
>>>  > Volker Mische <volker.mische at gmail.com> hat am 12. Januar 2016 um
>>> 16:21 geschrieben:
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > Hi Till,
>>>  >
>>>  > On 01/12/2016 04:12 PM, till.adams at fossgis.de wrote:
>>>  > > Hi Volker, @all,
>>>  > >
>>>  > > because I recently received an email with this question - how do we
>>>  > > proceed with Lightning Talks? I am not quite sure, but I think
>>> in the
>>>  > > past years, it was possible to submit lightning talks via the
>>> normal cfp
>>>  > > system.
>>>  > >
>>>  > > To be honest: I am not a fan of this, because lightning talks are
>>> only a
>>>  > > nice format, if the talker is really good and has understood,
>>> that a
>>>  > > lightning talk is more than just a "short talk" on any topic. So my
>>>  > > suggestion would be, that we create kind of text about lightning
>>> talk
>>>  > > for the homepage (as we do for the general talks as well) and
>>> call for
>>>  > > lightning talk submission via email directly to us
>>>  > > (info at foss4g2016.org). Review and acceptance of lightnings could be
>>>  > > made, when we fix the content of the "come together sessions".
>>>  >
>>>  > I fully agree. That sounds like a good plan. Perhaps with yet another
>>>  > email address (lightning at foss4g2016.org), so that someone can easily
>>>  > take it over if needed?
>>>  >
>>>  > Cheers,
>>>  > Volker
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