[FOSS4G2016] Checklist Release of Call for papers

Codrina Maria Ilie codrina at geo-spatial.org
Mon Jan 18 05:11:21 PST 2016

Hi everyone,

I confirm receiving my task :)

Have a great Monday!

On 18/01/16 14:42, till.adams at fossgis.de wrote:
> Hi LOC!
> As you all know, we will release our call for papers this thursday.
> With this email I'd like to co-ordinate all the things, that must be
> ready until thursday, so that we really can go ahead with that. In
> brackets I have the people on duty, please confirm this shortly ;-)
> 1. Call for paper systems:
> - (Volker) The call for paper/workshop system for the regular call is
> ready to go, need to re-set system wednesday evening
> - (Franz-Josef) The call for paper AT system is ready for  papers AND
> POSTERS (is it?), need to re-set system wednesday evening
> 2. Homepage
> - (Homepage-Team) some minor things we've discussed on saturday, mainly
> work of Küstenschmiede
> - check all the "Call for xxx" papers - these are for regular papers:
> redmine-ticket #182 (Volker), Academic Track is already there, workshops
> has to be re-worked (Danilo, Carmen), call for posters to be checked as
> well (Franz-Josef)
> 3. PR&M
> - We will publish the call via the OSGeo-discuss list and also the
> german fossgis-Vereinsliste. No more mailing lists for the first shot
> (Till)!
> - We need a press release to be written - (Codrina) and a press
> distributor, may be we can merge our WIKI and the mail-chimp account
> (Marc, Gert-Jan) ?
> So come on, LOC, that'll be the point where we really take off for a
> great conference!
> Till

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