[FOSS4G2016] [Program] Map submission is now ready for testing

Christian Mayer chris at meggsimum.de
Mon Jan 18 23:23:40 PST 2016

Hi Volker,
I gave it a shot to submit a map in the proposals system. A few things:
  - The categories "FOSS software used" and "Open data used"  stay empty in the
detail view of the dashboard after submission even tough I filled them
  - It would be cool if the submitted image could be shown as thumbnail in the
detail view, not just presenting the link (no showstopper of course)
  - Why is it mandatory to submit an image (no bug, just curious)?
Best regards,

> Volker Mische <volker.mische at gmail.com> hat am 18. Januar 2016 um 14:27
> geschrieben:
> Hi LOC,
> it's now possible to also submit maps in the proposals system.
> https://proposals.2016.foss4g.org/
> It would be cool if someone could quickly try it.
> Cheers,
> Volker
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