[FOSS4G2016] [Program] Map submission is now ready for testing

Volker Mische volker.mische at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 23:40:26 PST 2016

Hi Christian,

On 01/19/2016 08:23 AM, Christian Mayer wrote:
> I gave it a shot to submit a map in the proposals system. A few things:
>   - The categories "FOSS software used" and "Open data used"  stay empty
> in the detail view of the dashboard after submission even tough I filled
> them

Thanks, it's fixed now.

>   - It would be cool if the submitted image could be shown as thumbnail
> in the detail view, not just presenting the link (no showstopper of course)

I feel the same, but other things are more important. Though if anyone
feels like doing it, pull requests are welcome.

>   - Why is it mandatory to submit an image (no bug, just curious)?

We'd like to show the map on the website, hence it needs to be uploaded.
This way you also won't forget to attach it later on. Though I can see
you the point that you might want to submit something and attach it
later. I'm not sure about it. It can easily be changed, so if anyone
feels strongly about either solution, let me know.


>> Volker Mische <volker.mische at gmail.com> hat am 18. Januar 2016 um
> 14:27 geschrieben:
>> Hi LOC,
>> it's now possible to also submit maps in the proposals system.
>> https://proposals.2016.foss4g.org/
>> It would be cool if someone could quickly try it.
>> Cheers,
>> Volker
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