[FOSS4G2016] Fwd: Concept CfP in Redmine

Marc Vloemans marcvloemans1 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 04:38:23 PST 2016


Herewith I resend my earlier Redmine link to the concept CFP

Gauging from the lack of response (or actual response from Till) it seems that perhaps it got drowned in the heap of mails...

I am happy to adapt it according input.

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

Begin doorgestuurd bericht:

> Van: Marc VLOEMANS <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com>
> Datum: 15 januari 2016 17:27:44 GMT
> Aan: list <foss4g2016 at lists.osgeo.org>
> Onderwerp: Concept CfP in Redmine
> All,
> I have uploaded a concept CfP for review (No, not in that tech-tool SVN this time ;-).
> See: http://foss4g2016.org/redmine/issues/71
> Required: the LOC hacketon/Program Committee needs to address the comments/questions in Italics throughout the text.
> Please enter your updates etc not directly in this document (versioning will then be the party pooper), but write to me directly, so I can collate and adapt the doc over the weekend/monday.
> Succes in Bonn, do not forget to pump Till for free drinks.
> Marc
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