[FOSS4G2016] Fwd: Concept CfP in Redmine

Codrina Maria Ilie codrina at geo-spatial.org
Tue Jan 19 05:10:02 PST 2016

Hi, Marc!

Thanks! I was actually looking for it right now :)



On 19/01/16 14:38, Marc Vloemans wrote:
> All,
> Herewith I resend my earlier Redmine link to the concept CFP
> Gauging from the lack of response (or actual response from Till) it
> seems that perhaps it got drowned in the heap of mails...
> I am happy to adapt it according input.
> Vriendelijke groet,
> Marc Vloemans
> Begin doorgestuurd bericht:
>> *Van:* Marc VLOEMANS <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com
>> <mailto:marcvloemans1 at gmail.com>>
>> *Datum:* 15 januari 2016 17:27:44 GMT
>> *Aan:* list <foss4g2016 at lists.osgeo.org
>> <mailto:foss4g2016 at lists.osgeo.org>>
>> *Onderwerp:* *Concept CfP in Redmine*
>> All,
>> I have uploaded a concept CfP for review (No, not in that tech-tool
>> SVN this time ;-).
>> See: http://foss4g2016.org/redmine/issues/71
>> Required: the LOC hacketon/Program Committee needs to address the
>> comments/questions in Italics throughout the text.
>> Please enter your updates etc not directly in this document
>> (versioning will then be the party pooper), but write to me directly,
>> so I can collate and adapt the doc over the weekend/monday.
>> Succes in Bonn, do not forget to pump Till for free drinks.
>> Marc

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