[FOSS4G2016] 3D map submission / trophee for any award / sponsoring / 1-day booth

Gert-Jan van der Weijden (OSGeo.nl) gert-jan at osgeo.nl
Wed Mar 23 01:57:34 PDT 2016


Talked to a friend on mine (Erik Meerburg, from the privatly owned 
Erik is also into 3D maps printing. He's gonna submit a talk on this, 
but also suggested to 3D print a map to be used as a trophee for any of 
our awards.
Find his work on that at www.elevatedmaps.com.

Since printing this is far more costly than printing a regular paper map 
he would like to discuss the possibilities of getting something in 

One of the possibilities that came to our minds was a 1-day booth: for 
small companies such as Erik's staffing a booth 3 day is too much 
effort. A 1-day booth would be perfect for his (a probably other) small 

So in facts 3 questions
- do we keep the submission date for the map contest open for a while
- do we need trophees for several awards/contests
- is the "1-day booth" a useful idea



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