[FOSS4G2016] 3D map submission / trophee for any award / sponsoring / 1-day booth

till.adams at fossgis.de till.adams at fossgis.de
Wed Mar 23 02:25:59 PDT 2016

Hi Gert-Jan,

  - do we keep the submission date for the map contest open for a while

Yes, open until 25th of May, possible to use the normal contribution 
system. We'll have to announce that!

  - do we need trophees for several awards/contests

Not sure yet. Regarding keynoters, I am in contact with the brother of 
a friend of mine who is growing really great wine on the Mosel. We'll 
have a student award for 1000$ awarded by OSGeo and possibly the "best 
developer award" run by GeoCat - but also paid by them. Plus the sol 
Katz award looks like there are enough awards I guess...

  - is the "1-day booth" a useful idea

Hup. I know that this is friendly and a possibility even for smaller 
companies to show up. And I know that our prices are quite high
Right now the rules are "no booth without sponsorship" - and even 
Supporters can't hire a booth yet. There are still some small booth 
available and we planned to offer not booked booth short before the 
conference to the supporter sponsors (some of them already requested). 
If after this there are one or two booth still open right before the 
conference, we can think about your suggestion, but doing it *now* would 
be unfair regarding all the other companies investing their money in 
So maybe useful later to fill up our Kasba, but for now, I won't do 

So far, Till

> Regards,
> Gert-Jan
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