[FOSS4G2017] Iron Mapper

Keith Jenkins kgj2 at cornell.edu
Thu Sep 15 10:04:12 PDT 2016

Guido has suggested an "Iron Mapper" event for FOSS4G Boston.

Back in 2012, Diana Sinton organized an "Iron Mapper" event here at
Cornell University.  Inspired by "Iron Chefs", participants were
tasked with creating a map within 30 minutes (or maybe 60 minutes, I
can't remember).  Each map had to use a specific dataset (the "secret
ingredient") that was revealed at the start of the event.  I think
some other basic datasets were provided, but participants were allow
to download and use any other data they wanted to use.  At the end,
each person showed their map, and described what they did (maybe 1
minute each?) and then we all voted (somehow) on our favorites, and a
couple prizes were awarded to the winners.

It was great to see the variety of maps that were produced, and also
what could be accomplished in a short amount of time.

I think this could be a fun addition to FOSS4G, and the resulting maps
could possibly be funneled into a larger Map Gallery, or not,
depending on the wishes of the map gallery folks.  It could just be a
stand-alone event.

I think it would be relatively easy to organize.  Here's what would be needed:

* a room/space for the event
* someone to pick the "secret ingredient" dataset and explain the rules
* someone to manage the submissions
* someone to organize the voting

Of course, some of those someones could be the same person.

If this is something that the LOC would like to include in the
program, I'd be happy to help make it happen.  Are others interested?


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