[Fundraising] Sponsor levels and press releases

Dave McIlhagga dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Dec 13 17:01:15 EST 2006


If we're doing our own press release for every sponsor -- we are 
cannibalizing a portion of the higher sponsorship levels where joint 
press releases are planned.

I do think some kind of "latest news" on the OSGeo website would be 
appropriate, or "New Sponsors" section.


Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> In case you haven't seen this yet:
> http://www.directionsmag.com/press.releases/index.php?duty=Show&id=16012&trv=1 
> I provided a short, general, quote for their press release.  Should we 
> also aim to do our own press release for each and every sponsor, or 
> reserve that for the higher level sponsors only?  We also have 
> Lizardtech sponsoring at the associate level, so if we do a release for 
> 1Spatial then we'll want to for Lizardtech as well.  These, and the GDAL 
> sponsorships, are newsworthy items.  I don't mind writing them up, all 
> in one 'sponsorship update' news item, but wanted to get your thoughts 
> before starting on that.
> Tyler

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