[Fundraising] FW: [VisCom] [Fwd: [GSDI Technical] why more firms have not adopted open source software...]

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at lizardtech.com
Mon May 1 15:43:22 EDT 2006

> Why do you think so?  I think it is a bit much to ask the fundraising
> committee to *drive* adoption of OSGeo tools or other open 
> source.  That is a broader goal of the foundation as a whole.

Yes, obviously this raises a bigger issue than the Fund. Comm. is
responsible for.  

I just cross-posted it still thinking about the couple posts about how
to get budget acceptance of sponsorship dollars.

And with the thought that if a representative of fundraising goes to
company X, hat in hand looking for money, he/she should be aware of the
arguments that will be used.  (that is, assuming he/she is approaching
someone not already "friendly" to the noble cause)

> BTW, have you read the actual document?  From the summary I 
> am interested
> but I think a more detailed review is needed to get something 
> meaningful out of it.

No, I haven't read it -- am hoping Chris will provide a summary [hint].

Because it is [I gather] from a formal academic journal, I'm hoping
it'll be a little more substantive than some random blog post on the


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