[Fundraising] Re: Motion: Adopt Project Sponsorship Proposal

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Thu Oct 19 10:26:46 EDT 2006

Hi Ed,
This is similar to many others in many other committees, where some  
want to give it a try but cannot in the end due to time.  I see this  
as just part of the package in a volunteer organisation.  I know  
circumstances can change for the better or worse so just thought I'd  
mention it.

Great point about using potential supporters as a test case!  I'll  
have to go back and check out those emails, since I've only recently  
starting watching the discussions here.

Take care,

On 19-Oct-06, at 4:57 AM, Ed McNierney wrote:

> Tyler -
> Speaking only for Ed and not Alain and R. Paul, I have been  
> "completely
> inactive" because I have had absolutely no time for this project.  I
> have tried to make it clear right from the start that I did not  
> have the
> time to take on this project, although I've probably done that more in
> private emails to Frank or Gary last spring than to the group as a
> whole, and things have only gotten worse for me this year.  I have to
> say I barely have the time to review the emails, and I'll admit that
> some get filed away without being read!
> I think it is important to look at this from the other end of the  
> pipe,
> too.  It would help to find companies that might be interested in  
> being
> supporters, and asking them what they want to see in this regard.
> They're the "customers", if you will.  The only sponsorship proposal
> that can work is one that companies want to sponsor, of course.  I  
> know
> it's buried in my email, but I think there were conversations a few
> months ago in which some folks thought they knew of other firms that
> were potential sponsors, and I don't know what has happened with those
> contacts.
> But above all I'll add my thanks to Frank for doing the work no one  
> else
> did!
> 	- Ed
> Ed McNierney
> President and Chief Mapmaker
> TopoZone.com / Maps a la carte, Inc.
> 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
> North Chelmsford, MA  01863
> ed at topozone.com
> (978) 251-4242
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:tylermitchell at shaw.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 12:36 AM
> To: fundraising at fundraising.osgeo.org
> Cc: Frank Warmerdam
> Subject: Re: [Fundraising] Re: Motion: Adopt Project Sponsorship
> Proposal
> Hi Frank,
> I wouldn't see this as a lack of leadership on the chair's part.  A
> committee will happen, or not, based on its membership.  Putting  
> forward
> this document and encouraging discussion and voting is all you can do
> (other than phoning them, I guess).
> I suggest that you review the membership of the committee.  I reviewed
> the mailing list archive and see that some non-members are more active
> that some members.  Alain, Ed and R. Paul appear to be completely
> inactive for some reason.  I suggest contacting them directly to
> check/ensure whether their status is going to change or not.  You,  
> Dave,
> Gary and Michael are the most engaged - do you need more?  If so, then
> perhaps confirm whether the others are able to become more engaged  
> or if
> not then you could actively seek to replace them with others who have
> more time.
> I am personally interested but need to clear a few things off my plate
> over the next few weeks before I can really get involved.
> Just some personal thoughts on it, take what you will.
> Tyler
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com>
> Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 8:59 pm
> Subject: [Fundraising] Re: Motion: Adopt Project Sponsorship Proposal
>> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> I'd like to return to the project sponsorship proposal.
>>>   http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Project_Sponsorship
>>> Motion:
>>>   I move to adopt the Project Sponsorship as proposed in the Wiki.
>>> Please review, and discuss or vote.  If discussion shows a need for
>>> revision, I'll withdraw the motion update, possibly holding an IRC
>>> meeting for further work.  Lets consider the motion to be open
>> for voting
>>> till Wednesday evening (Oct 18th).
>> Folks,
>> Well, it's Wednesday evening and by my count I got a +1 from Michael.
>> I got some questions from Gary, but no clear support for the motion.
>> No
>> one else responded.
>> I'm going to take this as the motion being *defeated* for lack of
>> supporteven though there were no objections.  I don't feel a major
>> program can be recommended to the board without more support from
>> within the committeethan this.
>> At this point, I'm feeling quite ineffective in the role of
>> Fundraisingchair, and I'd like to solicit volunteers to take the
>> chair, though I'm fine to stay as a member of the committee.
>> Dave, you expressed an interest before, would you be willing to take
>> the reigns?  I think we likely need to arrange a new meeting, but our
>> old meeting time is apparently in conflict with a recurring  
>> meeting of
>> Gary'sso we should likely pick a new time slot.
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> ---------------------------------------+---------------------------
>> -----------
>> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
>> warmerdam at pobox.comlight and sound - activate the windows |
>> http://pobox.com/~warmerdamand watch the world go round - Rush
>> | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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