[Fundraising] Re: Motion: Adopt Project Sponsorship Proposal

Dave McIlhagga dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Oct 19 22:01:57 EDT 2006


I'm feeling as guilty as anyone about this.

First of all - I realize it's delayed but I'm +1 as well to move forward 
on the project sponsorship work.

Ever since Lausanne, I feel like I'm playing catch-up 24x7. I'm actually 
only voting now because this is the first chance I've had to read my 
OSGeo emails. Ug.

Regarding taking over as Chair - I'm nervous that with the realities of 
business cycles, I won't be able to do this justice. Perhaps Tyler in 
his new ED role could take on role as Chair? Given the critical 
importance that this, above else, does not slip through the cracks - I 
think it would be appropriate.

Tyler - what are your thoughts on this?

BTW - I took a few brief minutes to start creating a draft page on the 
wiki to be our OSGeo Sponsorship page. I just started with the 
Foundation Sponshorship content, and began to work with it. It's very 
much a work in progress - and I would welcome help. :)


Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I'd like to return to the project sponsorship proposal.
>>   http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Project_Sponsorship
>> Motion:
>>   I move to adopt the Project Sponsorship as proposed in the Wiki.
>> Please review, and discuss or vote.  If discussion shows a need for
>> revision, I'll withdraw the motion update, possibly holding an IRC
>> meeting for further work.  Lets consider the motion to be open for voting
>> till Wednesday evening (Oct 18th).
> Folks,
> Well, it's Wednesday evening and by my count I got a +1 from Michael. I
> got some questions from Gary, but no clear support for the motion.  No
> one else responded.
> I'm going to take this as the motion being *defeated* for lack of support
> even though there were no objections.  I don't feel a major program can
> be recommended to the board without more support from within the committee
> than this.
> At this point, I'm feeling quite ineffective in the role of Fundraising
> chair, and I'd like to solicit volunteers to take the chair, though I'm
> fine to stay as a member of the committee.
> Dave, you expressed an interest before, would you be willing to take the
> reigns?  I think we likely need to arrange a new meeting, but our old
> meeting time is apparently in conflict with a recurring meeting of Gary's
> so we should likely pick a new time slot.
> Best regards,

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