[OSGeo-Fundraising] Link to project sponsors

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Feb 1 12:35:33 EST 2007

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> The rationale is essentially to show the outside world that there are 
> noteworthy people giving us money and, if they dig deep enough, they can 
> find out who.  The foundation level sponsors are clear and I don't want 
> to dilute it further.  But if we keep the links relegated to the footer 
> of that page, i.e. in "for more information" it can be less intrusive.  
> With that in mind perhaps we can avoid creating whole new 'sections' on 
> the page, and just add links that are a couple words or more like:
> ...
> For more information
> Other sponsors support particular OSGeo projects: <a>GDAL/OGR</a>.  To 
> sponsor OSGeo or discuss sponsorship opportunities further, please contact:


I like keeping it reasonably low key.

> We can deal with local chapter sponsors when the time comes, or do you 
> think it is imminent?

I don't think there are any chapter sponsor pages to point to yet so the
problem isn't immediate.  But I do think we should be addressing this as
part of the "local chapter sponsors" discussion.  That is, how much
representation do local chapter sponsors get at the foundation level.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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