[fusion-commits] r1969 - trunk/widgets

svn_fusion at osgeo.org svn_fusion at osgeo.org
Tue Nov 10 14:54:33 EST 2009

Author: tnolte
Date: 2009-11-10 14:54:32 -0500 (Tue, 10 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 1969

re #131: fixed multiple maps in mapgroup rendering issue, fixed returning background image position to '0px 0px' when reverting back to old LegendIcon rendering. 

Modified: trunk/widgets/Legend.js
--- trunk/widgets/Legend.js	2009-11-10 19:43:25 UTC (rev 1968)
+++ trunk/widgets/Legend.js	2009-11-10 19:54:32 UTC (rev 1969)
@@ -1,381 +1,406 @@
- * Fusion.Widget.Legend
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007, DM Solutions Group Inc.
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
- /********************************************************************
- * Class: Fusion.Widget.Legend
- *
- * A widget to display a legend of all layers.
- *
- * **********************************************************************/
-Fusion.Widget.Legend = OpenLayers.Class(Fusion.Widget,  {
-    /**
-     * Constant: defaultLayerDWFIcon
-     * {String} The default image for DWF layer
-     */
-    defaultLayerDWFIcon: 'images/icons/legend-DWF.png',
-    /**
-     * Constant: defaultLayerRasterIcon
-     * {String} The default image for Raster layer
-     */
-    defaultLayerRasterIcon: 'images/icons/legend-raster.png',
-    /**
-     * Constant: defaultLayerThemeIcon
-     * {String} The default image for layers that are currently themed.
-     */
-    defaultLayerThemeIcon: 'images/icons/legend-theme.png',
-    /**
-     * Constant: defaultDisabledLayerIcon
-     * {String} The default image for layers that are out of scale.
-     */
-    defaultDisabledLayerIcon: 'images/icons/legend-layer.png',
-    /**
-     * Constant: defaultRootFolderIcon
-     * {String} The default image for the root folder
-     */
-    defaultRootFolderIcon: 'images/icons/legend-map.png',
-    /**
-     * Constant: defaultLayerInfoIcon
-     * {String} The default image for layer info
-     */
-    defaultLayerInfoIcon: 'images/icons/tree_layer_info.png',
-    /**
-     * Constant: defaultGroupInfoIcon
-     * {String} The default image for groupd info
-     */
-    defaultGroupInfoIcon: 'images/icons/tree_group_info.png',
-    initializeWidget: function(widgetTag) {
-        // TODO: maybe it's a good idea to do a function like Fusion.Widget.BindRenderer.. for limit the code
-        // duplication if we plan to apply this pattern to others widgets
-        Fusion.addWidgetStyleSheet(widgetTag.location + 'Legend/Legend.css');
-        // TODO: maybe it's a good idea to do a function like Fusion.Widget.BindRenderer.. for limit the code
-        //       duplication if we plan to apply this pattern to others widgets
-        var json = widgetTag.extension;
-        if (json.LegendRenderer)
-        {
-            var renderer = eval(json.LegendRenderer[0]);
-            if (renderer && renderer.prototype.CLASS_NAME
-                && renderer.prototype.CLASS_NAME == "Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer") {
-                this.renderer = new renderer(this, widgetTag);
-            } else if (typeof renderer == "function") {
-                var renderFunction = renderer;
-                this.renderer = new Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer(this);
-                this.renderer.mapLoaded = renderFunction;
-                this.renderer.mapReloaded = renderFunction;
-                this.renderer.mapLoading = false;
-            } else {
-                this.renderer = new Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault(this, widgetTag);
-            }
-        } else {
-            this.renderer = new Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault(this, widgetTag);
-        }
-        if (this.renderer.mapReloaded)
-            this.getMap().registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_RELOADED,
-                                           OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.renderer.mapReloaded, this.renderer));
-        if (this.renderer.mapLoading)
-            this.getMap().registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_LOADING,
-                                           OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.renderer.mapLoading,this.renderer));
-        if (this.renderer.mapLoaded)
-            this.getMap().registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_LOADED,
-                                           OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.renderer.mapLoaded, this.renderer));
-    }
-/* Class: Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer
- * This is a class designed to help users to create their own renderer
- * for customize the legend.
- */
-Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer = OpenLayers.Class(
-     /**
-     * Property: oLegend
-     * {<Fusion.Widget.Legend>} The parent widget that uses
-     *                                  the renderer.
-     */
-    oLegend: null,
-    /**
-     * Property: layerRoot
-     * {Groups} The groups of all layers.
-     *
-     */
-    layerRoot: null,
-    initialize: function(legend) {
-        this.oLegend = legend;
-        this.layerRoot = this.getMap().layerRoot;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Method: renderLegend
-     * Abstract method that have the main purpose to draw the legend. This method
-     * should be implemented by all concrete class.
-     *
-     */
-    renderLegend: function() {},
-    /**defaultDisabledLayerIcon
-     * Method: mapLoading
-     * Abstract method that handle the event: Fusion.Event.MAP_LOADING. This method
-     * is optional.
-     *
-     */
-    mapLoading: function() {},
-    /**
-     * Method: mapLoaded
-     * Abstract method that handle the event: Fusion.Event.MAP_LOADED. This method
-     * occur only at the first load of the map and should be implemented by all concrete class.
-     *
-     */
-    mapLoaded: function() {},
-     /**
-     * Method: mapReloaded
-     * Abstract method that handle the event: Fusion.Event.MAP_RELOADED. This method
-     * should be implemented by all concrete class.
-     *
-     */
-    mapReloaded: function() {},
-    /**
-     * Method: getMap
-     * Helper method to obtains the map.
-     *
-     * Returns:
-     * {<Fusion.Maps>} The map that uses the SelectionPanel Widget.
-     */
-    getMap: function() {
-        return this.oLegend.getMap();
-    },
-    CLASS_NAME: "Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer"
-/* Class: Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault
- * This class provide a default legend as a collapsable tree.
- *
- */
-Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault = OpenLayers.Class(Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer,
-    /**
-     * Property: showRootFolder
-     * {Boolean} This controls whether the tree will have a single root node that
-     * contains the name of the map as its label.  By default, the root node does
-     * not appear.  Set to "true" or "1" to make the root node appear.
-     */
-    showRootFolder: false,
-    /**
-     * Property: currentNode
-     * {Jx.TreeNode} The current selected node.
-     */
-    currentNode: null,
-    /**
-     * Property: bIsDrawn
-     * {Boolean} Determine if the map is drawn.
-     */
-    bIsDrawn: false,
-    /**
-     * Property: targetFolder
-     * {Jx.TreeFolder} The current TreeFolder that the mouse will interact with.
-     */
-    targetFolder: null,
-    /**
-     * Property: bIncludeVisToggle
-     * {Boolean} Determine if non-visible layer must be draw in the legend.
-     */
-    bIncludeVisToggle: true,
-    initialize: function(legend, widgetTag) {   
-        Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [legend]);
-        var json = widgetTag.extension;
-        this.imgLayerDWFIcon = json.LayerDWFIcon ? json.LayerDWFIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultLayerDWFIcon;
-        this.imgLayerRasterIcon = json.LayerRasterIcon ? json.LayerRasterIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultLayerRasterIcon;
-        this.imgLayerThemeIcon = json.LayerThemeIcon ? json.LayerThemeIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultLayerThemeIcon;
-        this.imgDisabledLayerIcon = json.DisabledLayerIcon ? json.DisabledLayerIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultDisabledLayerIcon;
-        this.imgLayerInfoIcon = json.LayerInfoIcon ? json.LayerInfoIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultLayerInfoIcon;
-        this.imgGroupInfoIcon = json.GroupInfoIcon ? json.GroupInfoIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultGroupInfoIcon;
-        //not used?
-        //this.layerInfoURL = json.LayerInfoURL ? json.LayerInfoURL[0] : '';
-        this.selectedLayer = null;
-        this.oTree = new Jx.Tree({parent:this.oLegend.domObj});
-        this.hideInvisibleLayers = (json.HideInvisibleLayers && json.HideInvisibleLayers[0]) == 'true' ? true : false;
-        //don't show the root folder by default
-        this.showRootFolder = (json.ShowRootFolder && json.ShowRootFolder[0] == 'true') ? true:false;
-        //do show the map folder by default
-        this.showMapFolder = (json.ShowMapFolder && json.ShowMapFolder[0] == 'false') ? false:true;
-        if (!this.showRootFolder) {
-            //console.log('supressing root folder');
-            this.oRoot = this.oTree;
-        } else {
-           // console.log('showing root folder');
-            var opt = {
-                label: OpenLayers.i18n('defaultMapTitle'),
-                open: true,
-                draw: this.renderFolder,
-                contextMenu: this.getContextMenu(),
-                'class':'fusionLegendFolder'
-            };
-            this.oRoot = new Jx.TreeFolder(opt);
-            this.oTree.append(this.oRoot);
-            this.oRoot.options.contextMenu.add(
-                new Jx.Menu.Item({
-                    label: OpenLayers.i18n('collapse'),
-                    onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.collapseBranch, this, this.oRoot)
-                }),
-                new Jx.Menu.Item({
-                    label: OpenLayers.i18n('expand'),
-                    onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.expandBranch, this, this.oRoot)
-                })
-            );
-        }
-        this.extentsChangedWatcher = this.update.bind(this);
-    },
-    getContextMenu: function() {
-        return new Jx.Menu.Context(this.name).add(
-            new Jx.Menu.Item({
-                label: OpenLayers.i18n('refresh'),
-                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.update, this)
-            }),
-            new Jx.Menu.Item({
-                label: OpenLayers.i18n('collapseAll'),
-                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.collapseAll, this)
-            }),
-            new Jx.Menu.Item({
-                label: OpenLayers.i18n('expandAll'),
-                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.expandAll, this)
-            })
-        );
-    },
-    expandAll: function(folder) {
-        for (var i=0; i<this.oTree.nodes.length; i++) {
-            var item = this.oTree.nodes[i];
-            if (item instanceof Jx.TreeFolder) {
-              this.recurseTree('expand', item);
-            }
-        }
-        if (this.showRootFolder) {
-          this.oRoot.expand();
-        }
-    },
-    collapseAll: function(folder) {
-        for (var i=0; i<this.oTree.nodes.length; i++) {
-            var item = this.oTree.nodes[i];
-            if (item instanceof Jx.TreeFolder) {
-              this.recurseTree('collapse', item);
-            }
-        }
-        if (this.showRootFolder) {
-          this.oRoot.collapse();
-        }
-    },
-    collapseBranch: function(folder) {
-        folder.collapse();
-    },
-    expandBranch: function(folder) {
-        folder.expand();
-    },
-  /**
-     * recursively descend the tree applying the request operation which is either 'collapse' or 'expand'
-     *
-     * @param op the operation to execute
-     * @param the folder to operate on
-     */
-    recurseTree: function(op, folder) {
-        for (var i=0; i<folder.nodes.length; i++) {
-            var item = folder.nodes[i];
-            if (item instanceof Jx.TreeFolder) {
-                this.recurseTree(op, item);
-                item[op]();
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    scaleRangesLoaded: function() {
-        this.layerRoot = this.getMap().layerRoot;
-        this.renderLegend();
-    },
-    mapLoading: function() {
-        this.getMap().deregisterForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_EXTENTS_CHANGED, this.extentsChangedWatcher);
-        this.clear();
-    },
-    mapLoaded: function() {
-        this.getMap().registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_EXTENTS_CHANGED, this.extentsChangedWatcher);
-        this.getMap().loadScaleRanges(OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.scaleRangesLoaded, this));
-    },
-    mapReloaded: function() {
-        this.getMap().loadScaleRanges(OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.scaleRangesLoaded, this));
-    },
-    /**
-     * the map state has become invalid in some way (layer added, removed,
-     * ect).  For now, we just re-request the map state from the server
-     * which calls draw which recreates the entire legend from scratch
-     *
-     * TODO: more fine grained updating of the legend would be nice
-     */
-    invalidate: function() {
-        this.draw();
-    },
-    /**
-     * Callback for legend XML response. Creates a list of layers and sets up event
-     * handling. Create groups if applicable.
-     * TODO: error handling
-     *
-     * @param r Object the reponse xhr object
-     */
+ * Fusion.Widget.Legend
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, DM Solutions Group Inc.
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+ /********************************************************************
+ * Class: Fusion.Widget.Legend
+ *
+ * A widget to display a legend of all layers.
+ *
+ * **********************************************************************/
+Fusion.Widget.Legend = OpenLayers.Class(Fusion.Widget,  {
+    /**
+     * Constant: defaultLayerDWFIcon
+     * {String} The default image for DWF layer
+     */
+    defaultLayerDWFIcon: 'images/icons/legend-DWF.png',
+    /**
+     * Constant: defaultLayerRasterIcon
+     * {String} The default image for Raster layer
+     */
+    defaultLayerRasterIcon: 'images/icons/legend-raster.png',
+    /**
+     * Constant: defaultLayerThemeIcon
+     * {String} The default image for layers that are currently themed.
+     */
+    defaultLayerThemeIcon: 'images/icons/legend-theme.png',
+    /**
+     * Constant: defaultDisabledLayerIcon
+     * {String} The default image for layers that are out of scale.
+     */
+    defaultDisabledLayerIcon: 'images/icons/legend-layer.png',
+    /**
+     * Constant: defaultRootFolderIcon
+     * {String} The default image for the root folder
+     */
+    defaultRootFolderIcon: 'images/icons/legend-map.png',
+    /**
+     * Constant: defaultLayerInfoIcon
+     * {String} The default image for layer info
+     */
+    defaultLayerInfoIcon: 'images/icons/tree_layer_info.png',
+    /**
+     * Constant: defaultGroupInfoIcon
+     * {String} The default image for groupd info
+     */
+    defaultGroupInfoIcon: 'images/icons/tree_group_info.png',
+    initializeWidget: function(widgetTag) {
+        // TODO: maybe it's a good idea to do a function like Fusion.Widget.BindRenderer.. for limit the code
+        // duplication if we plan to apply this pattern to others widgets
+        Fusion.addWidgetStyleSheet(widgetTag.location + 'Legend/Legend.css');
+        // TODO: maybe it's a good idea to do a function like Fusion.Widget.BindRenderer.. for limit the code
+        //       duplication if we plan to apply this pattern to others widgets
+        var json = widgetTag.extension;
+        if (json.LegendRenderer)
+        {
+            var renderer = eval(json.LegendRenderer[0]);
+            if (renderer && renderer.prototype.CLASS_NAME
+                && renderer.prototype.CLASS_NAME == "Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer") {
+                this.renderer = new renderer(this, widgetTag);
+            } else if (typeof renderer == "function") {
+                var renderFunction = renderer;
+                this.renderer = new Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer(this);
+                this.renderer.mapLoaded = renderFunction;
+                this.renderer.mapReloaded = renderFunction;
+                this.renderer.mapLoading = false;
+            } else {
+                this.renderer = new Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault(this, widgetTag);
+            }
+        } else {
+            this.renderer = new Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault(this, widgetTag);
+        }
+        if (this.renderer.mapReloaded)
+            this.getMap().registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_RELOADED,
+                                           OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.renderer.mapReloaded, this.renderer));
+        if (this.renderer.mapLoading)
+            this.getMap().registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_LOADING,
+                                           OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.renderer.mapLoading,this.renderer));
+        if (this.renderer.mapLoaded)
+            this.getMap().registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_LOADED,
+                                           OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.renderer.mapLoaded, this.renderer));
+    }
+/* Class: Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer
+ * This is a class designed to help users to create their own renderer
+ * for customize the legend.
+ */
+Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer = OpenLayers.Class(
+     /**
+     * Property: oLegend
+     * {<Fusion.Widget.Legend>} The parent widget that uses
+     *                                  the renderer.
+     */
+    oLegend: null,
+    /**
+     * Property: layerRoot
+     * {Groups} The groups of all layers.
+     *
+     */
+    layerRoot: null,
+    initialize: function(legend) {
+        this.oLegend = legend;
+        this.layerRoot = this.getMap().layerRoot;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: renderLegend
+     * Abstract method that have the main purpose to draw the legend. This method
+     * should be implemented by all concrete class.
+     *
+     */
+    renderLegend: function() {},
+    /**defaultDisabledLayerIcon
+     * Method: mapLoading
+     * Abstract method that handle the event: Fusion.Event.MAP_LOADING. This method
+     * is optional.
+     *
+     */
+    mapLoading: function() {},
+    /**
+     * Method: mapLoaded
+     * Abstract method that handle the event: Fusion.Event.MAP_LOADED. This method
+     * occur only at the first load of the map and should be implemented by all concrete class.
+     *
+     */
+    mapLoaded: function() {},
+     /**
+     * Method: mapReloaded
+     * Abstract method that handle the event: Fusion.Event.MAP_RELOADED. This method
+     * should be implemented by all concrete class.
+     *
+     */
+    mapReloaded: function() {},
+    /**
+     * Method: getMap
+     * Helper method to obtains the map.
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {<Fusion.Maps>} The map that uses the SelectionPanel Widget.
+     */
+    getMap: function() {
+        return this.oLegend.getMap();
+    },
+    CLASS_NAME: "Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer"
+/* Class: Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault
+ * This class provide a default legend as a collapsable tree.
+ *
+ */
+Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault = OpenLayers.Class(Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer,
+    /**
+     * Property: showRootFolder
+     * {Boolean} This controls whether the tree will have a single root node that
+     * contains the name of the map as its label.  By default, the root node does
+     * not appear.  Set to "true" or "1" to make the root node appear.
+     */
+    showRootFolder: false,
+    /**
+     * Property: currentNode
+     * {Jx.TreeNode} The current selected node.
+     */
+    currentNode: null,
+    /**
+     * Property: bIsDrawn
+     * {Boolean} Determine if the map is drawn.
+     */
+    bIsDrawn: false,
+    /**
+     * Property: targetFolder
+     * {Jx.TreeFolder} The current TreeFolder that the mouse will interact with.
+     */
+    targetFolder: null,
+    /**
+     * Property: bIncludeVisToggle
+     * {Boolean} Determine if non-visible layer must be draw in the legend.
+     */
+    bIncludeVisToggle: true,
+    initialize: function(legend, widgetTag) {   
+        Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRenderer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [legend]);
+        var json = widgetTag.extension;
+        this.imgLayerDWFIcon = json.LayerDWFIcon ? json.LayerDWFIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultLayerDWFIcon;
+        this.imgLayerRasterIcon = json.LayerRasterIcon ? json.LayerRasterIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultLayerRasterIcon;
+        this.imgLayerThemeIcon = json.LayerThemeIcon ? json.LayerThemeIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultLayerThemeIcon;
+        this.imgDisabledLayerIcon = json.DisabledLayerIcon ? json.DisabledLayerIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultDisabledLayerIcon;
+        this.imgLayerInfoIcon = json.LayerInfoIcon ? json.LayerInfoIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultLayerInfoIcon;
+        this.imgGroupInfoIcon = json.GroupInfoIcon ? json.GroupInfoIcon[0] : this.oLegend.defaultGroupInfoIcon;
+        //not used?
+        //this.layerInfoURL = json.LayerInfoURL ? json.LayerInfoURL[0] : '';
+        this.selectedLayer = null;
+        this.oTree = new Jx.Tree({parent:this.oLegend.domObj});
+        this.hideInvisibleLayers = (json.HideInvisibleLayers && json.HideInvisibleLayers[0]) == 'true' ? true : false;
+        //don't show the root folder by default
+        this.showRootFolder = (json.ShowRootFolder && json.ShowRootFolder[0] == 'true') ? true:false;
+        //do show the map folder by default
+        this.showMapFolder = (json.ShowMapFolder && json.ShowMapFolder[0] == 'false') ? false:true;
+        if (!this.showRootFolder) {
+            //console.log('supressing root folder');
+            this.oRoot = this.oTree;
+        } else {
+           // console.log('showing root folder');
+            var opt = {
+                label: OpenLayers.i18n('defaultMapTitle'),
+                open: true,
+                draw: this.renderFolder,
+                contextMenu: this.getContextMenu(),
+                'class':'fusionLegendFolder'
+            };
+            this.oRoot = new Jx.TreeFolder(opt);
+            this.oTree.append(this.oRoot);
+            this.oRoot.options.contextMenu.add(
+                new Jx.Menu.Item({
+                    label: OpenLayers.i18n('collapse'),
+                    onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.collapseBranch, this, this.oRoot)
+                }),
+                new Jx.Menu.Item({
+                    label: OpenLayers.i18n('expand'),
+                    onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.expandBranch, this, this.oRoot)
+                })
+            );
+        }
+        this.extentsChangedWatcher = this.update.bind(this);
+    },
+    getContextMenu: function() {
+        return new Jx.Menu.Context(this.name).add(
+            new Jx.Menu.Item({
+                label: OpenLayers.i18n('refresh'),
+                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.update, this)
+            }),
+            new Jx.Menu.Item({
+                label: OpenLayers.i18n('collapseAll'),
+                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.collapseAll, this)
+            }),
+            new Jx.Menu.Item({
+                label: OpenLayers.i18n('expandAll'),
+                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.expandAll, this)
+            })
+        );
+    },
+    expandAll: function(folder) {
+        for (var i=0; i<this.oTree.nodes.length; i++) {
+            var item = this.oTree.nodes[i];
+            if (item instanceof Jx.TreeFolder) {
+              this.recurseTree('expand', item);
+            }
+        }
+        if (this.showRootFolder) {
+          this.oRoot.expand();
+        }
+    },
+    collapseAll: function(folder) {
+        for (var i=0; i<this.oTree.nodes.length; i++) {
+            var item = this.oTree.nodes[i];
+            if (item instanceof Jx.TreeFolder) {
+              this.recurseTree('collapse', item);
+            }
+        }
+        if (this.showRootFolder) {
+          this.oRoot.collapse();
+        }
+    },
+    collapseBranch: function(folder) {
+        folder.collapse();
+    },
+    expandBranch: function(folder) {
+        folder.expand();
+    },
+  /**
+     * recursively descend the tree applying the request operation which is either 'collapse' or 'expand'
+     *
+     * @param op the operation to execute
+     * @param the folder to operate on
+     */
+    recurseTree: function(op, folder) {
+        for (var i=0; i<folder.nodes.length; i++) {
+            var item = folder.nodes[i];
+            if (item instanceof Jx.TreeFolder) {
+                this.recurseTree(op, item);
+                item[op]();
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    scaleRangesLoaded: function() {
+        this.layerRoot = this.getMap().layerRoot;
+        this.renderLegend();
+    },
+    mapLoading: function() {
+        this.getMap().deregisterForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_EXTENTS_CHANGED, this.extentsChangedWatcher);
+        this.clear();
+    },
+    mapLoaded: function() {
+        this.getMap().registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.MAP_EXTENTS_CHANGED, this.extentsChangedWatcher);
+        this.getMap().loadScaleRanges(OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.scaleRangesLoaded, this));
+    },
+    mapReloaded: function() {
+        this.getMap().loadScaleRanges(OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.scaleRangesLoaded, this));
+    },
+    /**
+     * the map state has become invalid in some way (layer added, removed,
+     * ect).  For now, we just re-request the map state from the server
+     * which calls draw which recreates the entire legend from scratch
+     *
+     * TODO: more fine grained updating of the legend would be nice
+     */
+    invalidate: function() {
+        this.draw();
+    },
+    /**
+     * Callback for legend XML response. Creates a list of layers and sets up event
+     * handling. Create groups if applicable.
+     * TODO: error handling
+     *
+     * @param r Object the reponse xhr object
+     */
+    /*renderLegend: function(r) {
+        this.bIsDrawn = false;
+        this.clear();
+        if (this.showRootFolder) {
+            this.oRoot.itemLabelobj.innerHTML = this.getMap().getMapTitle();
+        }
+        var startGroup = this.layerRoot;
+        if (!this.showMapFolder) {
+          startGroup = this.layerRoot.groups[0];
+        }
+        if (!startGroup.legend) {
+            startGroup.legend = {};
+            startGroup.legend.treeItem = this.oRoot;
+        }
+        for (var i=0; i<startGroup.groups.length; i++) {
+            //startGroup.groups[i].visible = true;
+            this.processMapGroup(startGroup.groups[i], this.oRoot);
+        }
+        for (var i=0; i<startGroup.layers.length; i++) {
+            this.processMapLayer(startGroup.layers[i], this.oRoot);
+        }
+        this.bIsDrawn = true;
+        this.update();
+    },*/
     renderLegend: function(r) {
         this.bIsDrawn = false;
@@ -383,477 +408,489 @@
         if (this.showRootFolder) {
             this.oRoot.itemLabelobj.innerHTML = this.getMap().getMapTitle();
-        var startGroup = this.layerRoot;
-        if (!this.showMapFolder) {
-          startGroup = this.layerRoot.groups[0];
-        }
-        if (!startGroup.legend) {
-            startGroup.legend = {};
-            startGroup.legend.treeItem = this.oRoot;
-        }
-        for (var i=0; i<startGroup.groups.length; i++) {
-            //startGroup.groups[i].visible = true;
-            this.processMapGroup(startGroup.groups[i], this.oRoot);
-        }
-        for (var i=0; i<startGroup.layers.length; i++) {
-            this.processMapLayer(startGroup.layers[i], this.oRoot);
-        }
-        this.bIsDrawn = true;
-        this.update();
-    },
-    processMapGroup: function(group, folder) {
-        if (group.displayInLegend) {
-            /* make a 'namespace' on the group object to store legend-related info */
-            group.legend = {};
-            var opt = {
-                label: group.legendLabel,
-                open: group.expandInLegend,
-                draw: this.renderFolder,
-                contextMenu: this.getContextMenu(),
-                'class':'fusionLegendFolder'
-            };
-            group.legend.treeItem = new Jx.TreeFolder(opt);
-            group.legend.treeItem.domObj.store('data', group);
-            group.legend.treeItem.options.contextMenu.add(
-                new Jx.Menu.Item({
-                    label: OpenLayers.i18n('collapse'),
-                    onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.collapseBranch, this, group.legend.treeItem)
-                }),
-                new Jx.Menu.Item({
-                    label: OpenLayers.i18n('expand'),
-                    onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.expandBranch, this, group.legend.treeItem)
-                })
-            );
-            folder.append(group.legend.treeItem);
-            group.legend.treeItem.checkBox.checked = group.visible?true:false;
-            OpenLayers.Event.observe(group.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, group));
-            var groupInfo = group.oMap.getGroupInfoUrl(group.groupName);
-            if (groupInfo) {
-                var a = document.createElement('a');
-                a.href = groupInfo;
-                if (groupInfo.indexOf('javascript:') < 0) {
-                  a.target = '_blank';
-                }
-                var img = document.createElement('img');
-                Jx.addToImgQueue({element:img, src: this.imgGroupInfoIcon});
-                img.border = 0;
-                a.appendChild(img);
-                group.legend.treeItem.domObj.insertBefore(a, group.legend.treeItem.domObj.childNodes[4]);
-            }
-            if (this.oSelectionListener) {
-                group.legend.treeItem.addEvent('click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.selectionChanged, this));
-            }
-            for (var i=0; i<group.groups.length; i++) {
-                this.processMapGroup(group.groups[i], group.legend.treeItem);
-            }
-            for (var i=0; i<group.layers.length; i++) {
-                this.processMapLayer(group.layers[i], group.legend.treeItem);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    processMapLayer: function(layer, folder) {
-        /* make a 'namespace' on the layer object to store legend-related info */
-        layer.legend = {};
-        layer.legend.parentItem = folder;
-        layer.legend.currentRange = null;
-        layer.oMap.registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.LAYER_PROPERTY_CHANGED, OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.layerPropertyChanged, this));
-    },
-    layerPropertyChanged: function(eventID, layer) {
-        layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.checked = layer.isVisible();
-    },
-    update: function() {
-        if (this.bIsDrawn) {
-            window.setTimeout(OpenLayers.Function.bind(this._update, this), 1);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * update the tree when the map scale changes
-     */
-    _update: function() {
-        var map = this.getMap();
-        var currentScale = map.getScale();
-        for (var i=0; i<map.layerRoot.groups.length; i++) {
-            this.updateGroupLayers(map.layerRoot.groups[i], currentScale);
-        }
-        for (var i=0; i<map.layerRoot.layers.length; i++) {
-            this.updateLayer(map.layerRoot.layers[i], currentScale);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * remove the dom objects representing the legend layers and groups
-     */
-    clear: function() {
-        while (this.oRoot.nodes.length > 0) {
-            this.oRoot.remove(this.oRoot.nodes[0]);
-        }
-    },
-    selectionChanged: function(o) {
-        if (this.currentNode) {
-          //console.log(this.currentNode);
-            $(this.currentNode.domObj.childNodes[1]).removeClass('jxTreeItemSelected');
-        }
-        this.currentNode = o;
-        $(this.currentNode.domObj.childNodes[1]).addClass('jxTreeItemSelected');
-        var data = o.domObj.retrieve('data');
-        if (data instanceof Fusion.Layers.Group) {
-            this.getMap().setActiveLayer(null);
+        if (this.showMapFolder) {
+		this.renderGroup(this.layerRoot);
         } else {
-            this.getMap().setActiveLayer(data);
+		if (this.layerRoot.groups.length > 0) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < this.layerRoot.groups.length; i++)
+				this.renderGroup(this.layerRoot.groups[i]);
+		} else {
+			for (var i = 0; i < group.layers.length; i++)
+				this.processMapLayer(group.layers[i], this.oRoot);
+		}
-    },
-    updateGroupLayers: function(group, fScale) {
-        for (var i=0; i<group.groups.length; i++) {
-            this.updateGroupLayers(group.groups[i], fScale);
-        }
-        for (var i=0; i<group.layers.length; i++) {
-            this.updateLayer(group.layers[i], fScale);
-        }
-    },
-    updateLayer: function(layer, fScale) {
-        var checkbox = layer.oMap.bSingleTile ? this.bIncludeVisToggle : false;
-        if (!layer.displayInLegend || !layer.legend) {
-            return;
-        }
-        var range = layer.getScaleRange(fScale);
-        if (range == layer.legend.currentRange && layer.legend.treeItem) {
-            return;
-        }
-        layer.legend.currentRange = range;
-        if (range != null) {
-            if (range.styles.length > 1) {
-                //tree item needs to be a folder
-                if (!layer.legend.treeItem) {
-                    layer.legend.treeItem = this.createFolderItem(layer);
-                    OpenLayers.Event.observe(layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
-                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(layer.legend.treeItem);
-                } else if (layer.legend.treeItem instanceof Jx.TreeItem) {
-                    this.clearTreeItem(layer);
-                    layer.legend.treeItem = this.createFolderItem(layer);
-                    OpenLayers.Event.observe(layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
-                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(layer.legend.treeItem);
-                } else {
-                    while(layer.legend.treeItem.nodes.length > 0) {
-                        layer.legend.treeItem.remove(layer.legend.treeItem.nodes[0]);
-                    }
-                }
-                for (var i=0; i<range.styles.length; i++) {
-                    var item = this.createTreeItem(layer,
-                                               range.styles[i], fScale, false);
-                    layer.legend.treeItem.append(item);
-                }
-            } else {
-                var style = range.styles[0];
-                if (style && !style.legendLabel) {
-                  style.legendLabel = layer.legendLabel;
-                }
-                if (!layer.legend.treeItem) {
-                    layer.legend.treeItem = this.createTreeItem(layer, style, fScale, checkbox);
-                    if (checkbox) {
-                      OpenLayers.Event.observe(layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
-                    }
-                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(layer.legend.treeItem);
-                } else if (layer.legend.treeItem instanceof Jx.TreeFolder) {
-                    this.clearTreeItem(layer);
-                    layer.legend.treeItem = this.createTreeItem(layer, style, fScale, checkbox);
-                    if (checkbox) {
-                      OpenLayers.Event.observe(layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
-                    }
-                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(layer.legend.treeItem);
-                } else {
-                    if (range.styles.length > 0) {
-                        layer.legend.treeItem.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+layer.oMap.getLegendImageURL(fScale, layer, range.styles[0])+')' ;
-                        $(layer.legend.treeItem.domObj).removeClass('jxDisabled');
-                    } else {
-                        $(layer.legend.treeItem.domObj).addClass('jxDisabled');
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (checkbox) {
-              layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.checked = layer.visible?true:false;
-              if (layer.layerTypes[0] == 4 || range.styles.length > 0) {
-                layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.disabled = false;
-              } else {
-                layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.disabled = true;
-              }
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (this.hideInvisibleLayers) {
-                if (layer.legend.treeItem) {
-                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.remove(layer.legend.treeItem);
-                    layer.legend.treeItem = null;
-                }
-            } else {
-              var newTreeItem = this.createTreeItem(layer, {legendLabel: layer.legendLabel}, null, checkbox);
-                if (checkbox) {
-                  OpenLayers.Event.observe(newTreeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
-                }
-                if (layer.legend.treeItem) {
-                    if (checkbox) layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.disabled = true;
-                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.replace(newTreeItem, layer.legend.treeItem);
-                    layer.legend.treeItem.finalize();
-                } else {
-                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(newTreeItem);
-                }
-                layer.legend.treeItem = newTreeItem;
-            }
-        }
-        if (layer.legend.treeItem) {
-            layer.legend.treeItem.domObj.store('data', layer);
-        }
+        this.bIsDrawn = true;
+        this.update();
-    createFolderItem: function(layer) {
-        var opt = {
-            label: layer.legendLabel == '' ? '&nbsp;' : layer.legendLabel,
-            isOpen: layer.expandInLegend,
-            draw: this.renderFolder,
-            'class':'fusionLegendItemCheckbox',
-            contextMenu: this.getContextMenu(),
-            // image overrides
-            image: this.imgLayerThemeIcon
-        };
-        var folder = new Jx.TreeFolder(opt);
-        folder.options.contextMenu.add(
-            new Jx.Menu.Item({
-                label: OpenLayers.i18n('collapse'),
-                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.collapseBranch, this, folder)
-            }),
-            new Jx.Menu.Item({
-                label: OpenLayers.i18n('expand'),
-                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.expandBranch, this, folder)
-            })
-        );
-        var layerInfo = layer.oMap.getLayerInfoUrl(layer.layerName);
-        if (layerInfo) {
-            var a = document.createElement('a');
-            a.href = layerInfo;
-            if (layerInfo.indexOf('javascript:') < 0) {
-              a.target = '_blank';
-            }
-            var img = document.createElement('img');
-            Jx.addToImgQueue({element:img, src:this.imgLayerInfoIcon});
-            img.border = 0;
-            a.appendChild(img);
-            folder.domObj.insertBefore(a, folder.domObj.childNodes[4]);
+    renderGroup: function(group) {
+        if (!group.legend) {
+            group.legend = {};
+            group.legend.treeItem = this.oRoot;
-        folder.addEvent('click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.selectionChanged, this));
-        return folder;
-    },
-    createTreeItem: function(layer, style, scale, bCheckBox) {
-        var opt = {};
-        opt.statusIsDefault = layer.statusDefault;
-        if (bCheckBox ) {
-            opt.label = layer.legendLabel == '' ? '&nbsp;' : layer.legendLabel;
-            opt.draw = this.renderItemCheckBox;
-        } else {
-            opt.label = style.legendLabel == '' ? '&nbsp;' : style.legendLabel;
-            opt.draw = this.renderItem;
+        for (var i = 0; i < group.groups.length; i++) {
+            this.processMapGroup(group.groups[i], this.oRoot);
-        if (!style) {
-            opt.image = this.imgDisabledLayerIcon;
-            opt.enabled = false;
-        } else {
-           var defaultIcon = this.imgDisabledLayerIcon;
-           if (layer.layerTypes[0] == 4) {
-               if (style.staticIcon == Fusion.Constant.LAYER_DWF_TYPE) {
-                 defaultIcon = this.imgLayerDWFIcon;
-              } else {
-                defaultIcon = this.imgLayerRasterIcon;
-              }
-            }
-            if (style.iconOpt && style.iconOpt.url) {
-                opt.image = style.iconOpt.url;
-            } else {
-                opt.image = layer.oMap.getLegendImageURL(scale, layer, style, defaultIcon);
-            }
+        for (var i = 0; i < group.layers.length; i++) {
+            this.processMapLayer(group.layers[i], this.oRoot);
-        opt.contextMenu = this.getContextMenu();
-        var item = new Jx.TreeItem(opt);
-        if (style && style.iconX >= 0 && style.iconY >= 0) {
-            item.domImg;
-            item.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+opt.image+')';
-            item.domImg.src = Jx.aPixel.src;
-            item.domImg.style.backgroundPosition = (-1*style.iconX) + 'px ' + (-1*style.iconY) + 'px';
-            if (style.iconOpt.width) {
-                item.domImg.style.width = style.iconOpt.width + 'px';
-            }
-            if (style.iconOpt.height) {
-                item.domImg.style.height = style.iconOpt.height + 'px';
-            }
-        }
-        if (bCheckBox) {
-            //item.domObj.insertBefore(layer.legend.checkBox, item.domObj.childNodes[1]);
-            /* only need to add layer info if it has a check box too */
-            var layerInfo = layer.oMap.getLayerInfoUrl(layer.layerName);
-            if (layerInfo) {
-                var a = document.createElement('a');
-                a.href = layerInfo;
-                if (layerInfo.indexOf('javascript:') < 0) {
-                  a.target = '_blank';
-                }
-                var img = document.createElement('img');
-                Jx.addToImgQueue({element:img, src: this.imgLayerInfoIcon});
-                img.border = 0;
-                a.appendChild(img);
-                item.domObj.insertBefore(a, item.domObj.childNodes[4]);
-            }
-        }
-        item.addEvent('click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.selectionChanged, this));
-        return item;
-    },
-    clearTreeItem: function(layer) {
-        if (layer.legend.treeItem && layer.legend.treeItem.owner) {
-            layer.legend.treeItem.domObj.store('data', null);
-            layer.legend.treeItem.owner.remove(layer.legend.treeItem);
-            layer.legend.treeItem.finalize();
-            layer.legend.treeItem = null;
-        }
-    },
-    stateChanged: function(obj, event) {
-        if (obj.legend && obj.legend.treeItem.checkBox) {
-            if (obj.legend.treeItem.checkBox.checked) {
-                obj.show();
-            } else {
-                obj.hide();
-            }
-        }
-        OpenLayers.Event.stop(event, true);
-    },
-    renderFolder: function() {
-        var domA = new Element('a',{
-            'class':this.options['class'],
-            href:'javascript:void(0)',
-            events: {
-                click: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
-                dblclick: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
-                contextmenu: this.options.contextMenu.show.bindWithEvent(this.options.contextMenu)
-            }
-        });
-        this.checkBox = document.createElement('input');
-        this.checkBox.type = 'checkbox';
-        this.domImg = document.createElement('img');
-        this.domImg.className = 'jxTreeIcon ' + (this.options.imageClass ? this.options.imageClass : '');
-        this.domImg.src = Jx.aPixel.src;
-        if (this.options.image) {
-            this.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.options.image+')';
-        }
-        var domLabel = new Element('span',{
-            'class': 'fusionLegendLabel',
-            html: this.options.label
-        });
-        domA.appendChild(this.checkBox);
-        domA.appendChild(this.domImg);
-        domA.appendChild(domLabel);
-        this.itemLabelobj = domA;
-        return domA;
-    },
-    renderItem: function() {
-        var domA = new Element('a', {
-            'class': 'fusionLegendItem',
-            href: 'javascript:void(0)',
-            events: {
-                click: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
-                dblclick: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
-                contextmenu: this.options.contextMenu.show.bindWithEvent(this.options.contextMenu)
-            }
-        });
-        this.domImg = document.createElement('img');
-        this.domImg.className = 'jxTreeIcon ' + (this.options.imageClass ? this.options.imageClass : '');
-        this.domImg.src = Jx.aPixel.src;
-        if (this.options.image) {
-            this.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.options.image+')';
-        }
-        var domLabel = new Element('span',{
-            'class': 'fusionLegendLabel',
-            html: this.options.label
-        });
-        domA.appendChild(this.domImg);
-        domA.appendChild(domLabel);
-        this.itemLabelobj = domA;
-        return domA;
-    },
-    renderItemCheckBox: function() {
-        var domA = new Element('a', {
-            'class': 'fusionLegendItemCheckbox',
-            'href':'javascript:void(0);',
-            events: {
-                click: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
-                dblclick: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
-                contextmenu: this.options.contextMenu.show.bindWithEvent(this.options.contextMenu)
-            }
-        });
-        this.checkBox = document.createElement('input');
-        this.checkBox.type = 'checkbox';
-        /* layer is set to "status default" set checkbox to checked , disabled , read only*/
-        if(this.options.statusIsDefault){
-            this.checkBox.checked = true;
-            this.checkBox.disabled = true;
-            this.checkBox.readOnly = true;
-        }
-        this.domImg = document.createElement('img');
-        this.domImg.className = 'jxTreeIcon ' + (this.options.imageClass ? this.options.imageClass : '');
-        this.domImg.src = Jx.aPixel.src;
-        if (this.options.image) {
-            this.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.options.image+')';
-        }
-        var domLabel = new Element('span',{
-            'class': 'fusionLegendLabel',
-            html: this.options.label
-        });
-        domA.appendChild(this.checkBox);
-        domA.appendChild(this.domImg);
-        domA.appendChild(domLabel);
-        this.itemLabelobj = domA;
-        return domA;
-    }
+    },
+    processMapGroup: function(group, folder) {
+        if (group.displayInLegend) {
+            /* make a 'namespace' on the group object to store legend-related info */
+            group.legend = {};
+            var opt = {
+                label: group.legendLabel,
+                open: group.expandInLegend,
+                draw: this.renderFolder,
+                contextMenu: this.getContextMenu(),
+                'class':'fusionLegendFolder'
+            };
+            group.legend.treeItem = new Jx.TreeFolder(opt);
+            group.legend.treeItem.domObj.store('data', group);
+            group.legend.treeItem.options.contextMenu.add(
+                new Jx.Menu.Item({
+                    label: OpenLayers.i18n('collapse'),
+                    onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.collapseBranch, this, group.legend.treeItem)
+                }),
+                new Jx.Menu.Item({
+                    label: OpenLayers.i18n('expand'),
+                    onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.expandBranch, this, group.legend.treeItem)
+                })
+            );
+            folder.append(group.legend.treeItem);
+            group.legend.treeItem.checkBox.checked = group.visible?true:false;
+            OpenLayers.Event.observe(group.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, group));
+            var groupInfo = group.oMap.getGroupInfoUrl(group.groupName);
+            if (groupInfo) {
+                var a = document.createElement('a');
+                a.href = groupInfo;
+                if (groupInfo.indexOf('javascript:') < 0) {
+                  a.target = '_blank';
+                }
+                var img = document.createElement('img');
+                Jx.addToImgQueue({element:img, src: this.imgGroupInfoIcon});
+                img.border = 0;
+                a.appendChild(img);
+                group.legend.treeItem.domObj.insertBefore(a, group.legend.treeItem.domObj.childNodes[4]);
+            }
+            if (this.oSelectionListener) {
+                group.legend.treeItem.addEvent('click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.selectionChanged, this));
+            }
+            for (var i=0; i<group.groups.length; i++) {
+                this.processMapGroup(group.groups[i], group.legend.treeItem);
+            }
+            for (var i=0; i<group.layers.length; i++) {
+                this.processMapLayer(group.layers[i], group.legend.treeItem);
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    processMapLayer: function(layer, folder) {
+        /* make a 'namespace' on the layer object to store legend-related info */
+        layer.legend = {};
+        layer.legend.parentItem = folder;
+        layer.legend.currentRange = null;
+        layer.oMap.registerForEvent(Fusion.Event.LAYER_PROPERTY_CHANGED, OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.layerPropertyChanged, this));
+    },
+    layerPropertyChanged: function(eventID, layer) {
+        layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.checked = layer.isVisible();
+    },
+    update: function() {
+        if (this.bIsDrawn) {
+            window.setTimeout(OpenLayers.Function.bind(this._update, this), 1);
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * update the tree when the map scale changes
+     */
+    _update: function() {
+        var map = this.getMap();
+        var currentScale = map.getScale();
+        for (var i=0; i<map.layerRoot.groups.length; i++) {
+            this.updateGroupLayers(map.layerRoot.groups[i], currentScale);
+        }
+        for (var i=0; i<map.layerRoot.layers.length; i++) {
+            this.updateLayer(map.layerRoot.layers[i], currentScale);
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * remove the dom objects representing the legend layers and groups
+     */
+    clear: function() {
+        while (this.oRoot.nodes.length > 0) {
+            this.oRoot.remove(this.oRoot.nodes[0]);
+        }
+    },
+    selectionChanged: function(o) {
+        if (this.currentNode) {
+          //console.log(this.currentNode);
+            $(this.currentNode.domObj.childNodes[1]).removeClass('jxTreeItemSelected');
+        }
+        this.currentNode = o;
+        $(this.currentNode.domObj.childNodes[1]).addClass('jxTreeItemSelected');
+        var data = o.domObj.retrieve('data');
+        if (data instanceof Fusion.Layers.Group) {
+            this.getMap().setActiveLayer(null);
+        } else {
+            this.getMap().setActiveLayer(data);
+        }
+    },
+    updateGroupLayers: function(group, fScale) {
+        for (var i=0; i<group.groups.length; i++) {
+            this.updateGroupLayers(group.groups[i], fScale);
+        }
+        for (var i=0; i<group.layers.length; i++) {
+            this.updateLayer(group.layers[i], fScale);
+        }
+    },
+    updateLayer: function(layer, fScale) {
+        var checkbox = layer.oMap.bSingleTile ? this.bIncludeVisToggle : false;
+        if (!layer.displayInLegend || !layer.legend) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var range = layer.getScaleRange(fScale);
+        if (range == layer.legend.currentRange && layer.legend.treeItem) {
+            return;
+        }
+        layer.legend.currentRange = range;
+        if (range != null) {
+            if (range.styles.length > 1) {
+                //tree item needs to be a folder
+                if (!layer.legend.treeItem) {
+                    layer.legend.treeItem = this.createFolderItem(layer);
+                    OpenLayers.Event.observe(layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
+                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(layer.legend.treeItem);
+                } else if (layer.legend.treeItem instanceof Jx.TreeItem) {
+                    this.clearTreeItem(layer);
+                    layer.legend.treeItem = this.createFolderItem(layer);
+                    OpenLayers.Event.observe(layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
+                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(layer.legend.treeItem);
+                } else {
+                    while(layer.legend.treeItem.nodes.length > 0) {
+                        layer.legend.treeItem.remove(layer.legend.treeItem.nodes[0]);
+                    }
+                }
+                for (var i=0; i<range.styles.length; i++) {
+                    var item = this.createTreeItem(layer,
+                                               range.styles[i], fScale, false);
+                    layer.legend.treeItem.append(item);
+                }
+            } else {
+                var style = range.styles[0];
+                if (style && !style.legendLabel) {
+                  style.legendLabel = layer.legendLabel;
+                }
+                if (!layer.legend.treeItem) {
+                    layer.legend.treeItem = this.createTreeItem(layer, style, fScale, checkbox);
+                    if (checkbox) {
+                      OpenLayers.Event.observe(layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
+                    }
+                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(layer.legend.treeItem);
+                } else if (layer.legend.treeItem instanceof Jx.TreeFolder) {
+                    this.clearTreeItem(layer);
+                    layer.legend.treeItem = this.createTreeItem(layer, style, fScale, checkbox);
+                    if (checkbox) {
+                      OpenLayers.Event.observe(layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
+                    }
+                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(layer.legend.treeItem);
+                } else {
+                    if (range.styles.length > 0) {
+                        layer.legend.treeItem.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+layer.oMap.getLegendImageURL(fScale, layer, range.styles[0])+')';
+                        layer.legend.treeItem.domImg.style.backgroundPosition = '0px 0px';
+                        $(layer.legend.treeItem.domObj).removeClass('jxDisabled');
+                    } else {
+                        $(layer.legend.treeItem.domObj).addClass('jxDisabled');
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (checkbox) {
+              layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.checked = layer.visible?true:false;
+              if (layer.layerTypes[0] == 4 || range.styles.length > 0) {
+                layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.disabled = false;
+              } else {
+                layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.disabled = true;
+              }
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (this.hideInvisibleLayers) {
+                if (layer.legend.treeItem) {
+                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.remove(layer.legend.treeItem);
+                    layer.legend.treeItem = null;
+                }
+            } else {
+              var newTreeItem = this.createTreeItem(layer, {legendLabel: layer.legendLabel}, null, checkbox);
+                if (checkbox) {
+                  OpenLayers.Event.observe(newTreeItem.checkBox, 'click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.stateChanged, this, layer));
+                }
+                if (layer.legend.treeItem) {
+                    if (checkbox) layer.legend.treeItem.checkBox.disabled = true;
+                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.replace(newTreeItem, layer.legend.treeItem);
+                    layer.legend.treeItem.finalize();
+                } else {
+                    layer.parentGroup.legend.treeItem.append(newTreeItem);
+                }
+                layer.legend.treeItem = newTreeItem;
+            }
+        }
+        if (layer.legend.treeItem) {
+            layer.legend.treeItem.domObj.store('data', layer);
+        }
+    },
+    createFolderItem: function(layer) {
+        var opt = {
+            label: layer.legendLabel == '' ? '&nbsp;' : layer.legendLabel,
+            isOpen: layer.expandInLegend,
+            draw: this.renderFolder,
+            'class':'fusionLegendItemCheckbox',
+            contextMenu: this.getContextMenu(),
+            // image overrides
+            image: this.imgLayerThemeIcon
+        };
+        var folder = new Jx.TreeFolder(opt);
+        folder.options.contextMenu.add(
+            new Jx.Menu.Item({
+                label: OpenLayers.i18n('collapse'),
+                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.collapseBranch, this, folder)
+            }),
+            new Jx.Menu.Item({
+                label: OpenLayers.i18n('expand'),
+                onClick: OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.expandBranch, this, folder)
+            })
+        );
+        var layerInfo = layer.oMap.getLayerInfoUrl(layer.layerName);
+        if (layerInfo) {
+            var a = document.createElement('a');
+            a.href = layerInfo;
+            if (layerInfo.indexOf('javascript:') < 0) {
+              a.target = '_blank';
+            }
+            var img = document.createElement('img');
+            Jx.addToImgQueue({element:img, src:this.imgLayerInfoIcon});
+            img.border = 0;
+            a.appendChild(img);
+            folder.domObj.insertBefore(a, folder.domObj.childNodes[4]);
+        }
+        folder.addEvent('click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.selectionChanged, this));
+        return folder;
+    },
+    createTreeItem: function(layer, style, scale, bCheckBox) {
+        var opt = {};
+        opt.statusIsDefault = layer.statusDefault;
+        if (bCheckBox ) {
+            opt.label = layer.legendLabel == '' ? '&nbsp;' : layer.legendLabel;
+            opt.draw = this.renderItemCheckBox;
+        } else {
+            opt.label = style.legendLabel == '' ? '&nbsp;' : style.legendLabel;
+            opt.draw = this.renderItem;
+        }
+        if (!style) {
+            opt.image = this.imgDisabledLayerIcon;
+            opt.enabled = false;
+        } else {
+           var defaultIcon = this.imgDisabledLayerIcon;
+           if (layer.layerTypes[0] == 4) {
+               if (style.staticIcon == Fusion.Constant.LAYER_DWF_TYPE) {
+                 defaultIcon = this.imgLayerDWFIcon;
+              } else {
+                defaultIcon = this.imgLayerRasterIcon;
+              }
+            }
+            if (style.iconOpt && style.iconOpt.url) {
+                opt.image = style.iconOpt.url;
+            } else {
+                opt.image = layer.oMap.getLegendImageURL(scale, layer, style, defaultIcon);
+            }
+        }
+        opt.contextMenu = this.getContextMenu();
+        var item = new Jx.TreeItem(opt);
+        if (style && style.iconX >= 0 && style.iconY >= 0) {
+            item.domImg;
+            item.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+opt.image+')';
+            item.domImg.src = Jx.aPixel.src;
+            item.domImg.style.backgroundPosition = (-1*style.iconX) + 'px ' + (-1*style.iconY) + 'px';
+            if (style.iconOpt.width) {
+                item.domImg.style.width = style.iconOpt.width + 'px';
+            }
+            if (style.iconOpt.height) {
+                item.domImg.style.height = style.iconOpt.height + 'px';
+            }
+        }
+        if (bCheckBox) {
+            //item.domObj.insertBefore(layer.legend.checkBox, item.domObj.childNodes[1]);
+            /* only need to add layer info if it has a check box too */
+            var layerInfo = layer.oMap.getLayerInfoUrl(layer.layerName);
+            if (layerInfo) {
+                var a = document.createElement('a');
+                a.href = layerInfo;
+                if (layerInfo.indexOf('javascript:') < 0) {
+                  a.target = '_blank';
+                }
+                var img = document.createElement('img');
+                Jx.addToImgQueue({element:img, src: this.imgLayerInfoIcon});
+                img.border = 0;
+                a.appendChild(img);
+                item.domObj.insertBefore(a, item.domObj.childNodes[4]);
+            }
+        }
+        item.addEvent('click', OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.selectionChanged, this));
+        return item;
+    },
+    clearTreeItem: function(layer) {
+        if (layer.legend.treeItem && layer.legend.treeItem.owner) {
+            layer.legend.treeItem.domObj.store('data', null);
+            layer.legend.treeItem.owner.remove(layer.legend.treeItem);
+            layer.legend.treeItem.finalize();
+            layer.legend.treeItem = null;
+        }
+    },
+    stateChanged: function(obj, event) {
+        if (obj.legend && obj.legend.treeItem.checkBox) {
+            if (obj.legend.treeItem.checkBox.checked) {
+                obj.show();
+            } else {
+                obj.hide();
+            }
+        }
+        OpenLayers.Event.stop(event, true);
+    },
+    renderFolder: function() {
+        var domA = new Element('a',{
+            'class':this.options['class'],
+            href:'javascript:void(0)',
+            events: {
+                click: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
+                dblclick: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
+                contextmenu: this.options.contextMenu.show.bindWithEvent(this.options.contextMenu)
+            }
+        });
+        this.checkBox = document.createElement('input');
+        this.checkBox.type = 'checkbox';
+        this.domImg = document.createElement('img');
+        this.domImg.className = 'jxTreeIcon ' + (this.options.imageClass ? this.options.imageClass : '');
+        this.domImg.src = Jx.aPixel.src;
+        if (this.options.image) {
+            this.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.options.image+')';
+        }
+        var domLabel = new Element('span',{
+            'class': 'fusionLegendLabel',
+            html: this.options.label
+        });
+        domA.appendChild(this.checkBox);
+        domA.appendChild(this.domImg);
+        domA.appendChild(domLabel);
+        this.itemLabelobj = domA;
+        return domA;
+    },
+    renderItem: function() {
+        var domA = new Element('a', {
+            'class': 'fusionLegendItem',
+            href: 'javascript:void(0)',
+            events: {
+                click: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
+                dblclick: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
+                contextmenu: this.options.contextMenu.show.bindWithEvent(this.options.contextMenu)
+            }
+        });
+        this.domImg = document.createElement('img');
+        this.domImg.className = 'jxTreeIcon ' + (this.options.imageClass ? this.options.imageClass : '');
+        this.domImg.src = Jx.aPixel.src;
+        if (this.options.image) {
+            this.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.options.image+')';
+        }
+        var domLabel = new Element('span',{
+            'class': 'fusionLegendLabel',
+            html: this.options.label
+        });
+        domA.appendChild(this.domImg);
+        domA.appendChild(domLabel);
+        this.itemLabelobj = domA;
+        return domA;
+    },
+    renderItemCheckBox: function() {
+        var domA = new Element('a', {
+            'class': 'fusionLegendItemCheckbox',
+            'href':'javascript:void(0);',
+            events: {
+                click: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
+                dblclick: this.selected.bindWithEvent(this),
+                contextmenu: this.options.contextMenu.show.bindWithEvent(this.options.contextMenu)
+            }
+        });
+        this.checkBox = document.createElement('input');
+        this.checkBox.type = 'checkbox';
+        /* layer is set to "status default" set checkbox to checked , disabled , read only*/
+        if(this.options.statusIsDefault){
+            this.checkBox.checked = true;
+            this.checkBox.disabled = true;
+            this.checkBox.readOnly = true;
+        }
+        this.domImg = document.createElement('img');
+        this.domImg.className = 'jxTreeIcon ' + (this.options.imageClass ? this.options.imageClass : '');
+        this.domImg.src = Jx.aPixel.src;
+        if (this.options.image) {
+            this.domImg.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.options.image+')';
+        }
+        var domLabel = new Element('span',{
+            'class': 'fusionLegendLabel',
+            html: this.options.label
+        });
+        domA.appendChild(this.checkBox);
+        domA.appendChild(this.domImg);
+        domA.appendChild(domLabel);
+        this.itemLabelobj = domA;
+        return domA;
+    }

Property changes on: trunk/widgets/Legend.js
Deleted: svn:eol-style
   - native

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