[fusion-commits] r1916 - trunk/text

svn_fusion at osgeo.org svn_fusion at osgeo.org
Thu Sep 24 16:29:05 EDT 2009

Author: pagameba
Date: 2009-09-24 16:29:05 -0400 (Thu, 24 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 1916

re #138, finish renaming string files

Copied: trunk/text/en (from rev 1915, trunk/text/en.php)
--- trunk/text/en	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/text/en	2009-09-24 20:29:05 UTC (rev 1916)
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# Web surround localized strings
+# English language
+# Important: This file must be saved with UTF-8 encoding
+# General
+# Fonts - the 6 following entries are mandatory
+ at fontWindows        = Arial
+ at fontsizeWindows    = 8pt
+ at fontLinux          = Arial
+ at fontsizeLinux      = 8pt
+ at fontMacintosh      = Arial
+ at fontsizeMacintosh  = 8pt
+# Distances
+DISTANCEMILES       = Miles
+DISTANCEFEET        = Feet
+# Fill Patterns/Values
+FILLSOLID           = Solid
+FILLNET             = Net
+FILLLINE            = Line
+FILLLINE45          = Line_45
+FILLLINE90          = Line_90
+FILLLINE135         = Line_135
+FILLSQUARE          = Square
+FILLBOX             = Box
+FILLCROSS           = Cross
+FILLDASH            = Dash
+FILLDOLMIT          = Dolmit
+FILLHEX             = Hex
+FILLSACNCR          = Sacncr
+FILLSTEEL           = Steel
+# Transparency
+TRANSPARENT         = transparent
+# Line Styles/Values
+LINESOLID           = Solid
+LINEDASH            = Dash
+LINEDOT             = Dot
+LINEDASHDOT         = DashDot
+LINERAIL            = Rail
+LINEBORDER          = Border
+LINEDIVIDE          = Divide
+LINEFENCELINE       = FenceLine
+# Buttons
+BUTTONOK            = OK
+BUTTONDONE          = Done
+BUTTONCANCEL        = Cancel
+BUTTONREFRESH       = Refresh
+BUTTONCLOSE         = Close
+BUTTONCLEAR         = Clear
+BUTTONSAVE          = Save
+# Colors
+COLORRED            = Red
+COLORGREEN          = Green
+COLORBLUE           = Blue
+# BufferReport
+BUFFERREPORTTITLE               = Create Buffer
+BUFFERREPORTCREATED             = %s has been created.
+BUFFERREPORTUPDATED             = %s has been updated.
+BUFFERREPORTFEATURESSINGULAR    = %s buffer feature was created.
+BUFFERREPORTFEATURESPLURAL      = %s buffer features were created.
+BUFFERREPORTWARNINGSINGULAR     = <b>Warning:</b> %s layer was excluded from buffer computation because its coordinate system is incompatible with the coordinate system of the map, or because it has no coordinate system at all
+BUFFERREPORTWARNINGPLURAL       = <b>Warning:</b> %s layers were excluded from buffer computation because their coordinate systems are incompatible with the coordinate system of the map, or because they have no coordinate system at all
+# Buffer
+BUFFERCLASSDESCR                = Feature class for buffer layer
+BUFFERSCHEMADESCR               = Temporary buffer schema
+BUFFERDIFFARBXY                 = Cannot compute a unique buffer around features with different 'Arbitrary X-Y' coordinate systems. Please uncheck the option 'Merge buffer areas' or select only one layer
+# BufferUI
+BUFFERTITLE                     = Create a Buffer
+BUFFERSUBTITLE                  = &nbsp;Buffer settings
+BUFFERINFOTEXT                  = Select features on the image.
+BUFFERDISTANCE                  = Distance around features:
+BUFFERLAYERS                    = Layers to include in the buffer:
+BUFFERNOLAYER                   = <No layer selected>
+BUFFERNAME                      = Name for the resulting buffer layer:
+BUFFERNAMETEXT                  = Buffer 1
+BUFFERMERGE                     = Merge buffer areas
+BUFFERFILLSTYLE                 = &nbsp;Fill style
+BUFFERFILLPATTERN               = Fill pattern:
+BUFFERFOREGROUNDCOLOR           = Foreground color:
+BUFFERTRANSPARENCY              = Transparency:
+BUFFERBACKGROUNDCOLOR           = Background color:
+BUFFERBORDERSTYLE               = &nbsp;Border style
+BUFFERBORDERLINEPATTERN         = Line pattern:
+BUFFERBORDERLINECOLOR           = Line color:
+BUFFERHELP                      = <li><p align="left">Results of the buffer are put into a new layer above the top feature layer. This buffer layer has the name you enter here.</li><li><p align="left">To create multiple buffer layers, use different buffer names.</li><li><p align="left">To hide buffer layers, turn them off.</li><li><p align="left">Buffer layers are temporary and are removed when you close the viewer.</li>
+BUFFERERRORZERODISTANCE         = Please enter a nonzero distance.
+BUFFERERRORNOLAYERNAME          = Please enter a layer name.
+BUFFERERRORNEGATIVETHICKNESS    = Please enter positive or null thickness.
+BUFFERERRORNOSELECTION          = Please select feature(s) to calculate a buffer around.
+# ColorPicker
+COLORPICKERDLGTITLE             = Select a color
+COLORPICKERTITLE                = Color palette
+COLORPICKERSUBTITLE             = Specify a color
+COLORPICKER100TRANSPARENCY      = 100%% transparency
+COLORPICKERHEXFORMAT            = Hex format
+# MeasureUI
+MEASUREAREATITLE        = Measure Area
+MEASUREBOTHTITLE        = Measure Distance And Area
+MEASUREINFO             = Click a start and end point.
+RESUME                  = Resume
+STOP                    = Stop
+CLEAR                   = Clear
+MILES                   = Miles
+KILOMETERS              = Kilometers
+MEASUREHELP             = <li>To measure multiple distances, continue clicking new points.</li><li>To finish, click &quot;Stop&quot;.</li><li>You can pan or zoom and continue measuring by clicking &quot;Resume&quot;.</li><li>To start over, click &quot;Clear&quot;.</li>
+SEGMENT                 = Segment
+LENGTH                  = Length
+TOTALLENGTH             = Total Length
+TOTALAREA               = Total Area
+MEASUREERROR            = Measure Error
+# Measure
+MEASUREFEATURECLASS     = Feature class for measure layer
+MEASURESCHEMADESCR      = Temporary measure schema
+MEASUREPARTIAL          = Partial
+MEASURETOTAL            = total
+MEASURELAYER            = Measure
+# HtmlViewerAbout
+HTMLABOUTTITLE          = About %s
+HTMLABOUTTITLEBAR       = MapGuide Viewer
+HTMLABOUTTEXT           = <br>This product is made available subject to the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ("LGPL").  A copy of the LGPL, as well as additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of this product are set forth in the <a href="../localized/license_en.htm" target="blank">license</a> file.<br><br>All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.<br><br>Copyright &copy; 2007 Autodesk, Inc.<br><br>
+HTMLABOUTLICENSE        = license file
+HTMLABOUTLICENSEFILE    = license_en.htm
+# LegendUI
+# PrintablePageUi
+PRINTTITLE              = Get Printable Page
+PRINTELEMENTS           = Select the elements to include in the print layout.
+PRINTPAGETITLE          = Page title:
+PRINTLEGEND             = Legend
+PRINTNORTHARROW         = North arrow
+PRINTCREATEPAGE         = Create Page
+# PropertyCtrl
+PROPERTIESNONE          = None Selected
+PROPERTIESNAME          = Name
+PROPERTIESVALUE         = Value
+PROPERTIESITEMSEL       = Items selected: {0}
+# Search
+SEARCHDLGTITLE          = Search features
+SEARCHTITLE             = Search results
+SEARCHERROR             = Search error
+SEARCHREPORT            = Search report
+SEARCHLAYERNOTFOUND     = Layer {0} not found!
+SEARCHNOMULTIPROP       = Multi-properties identity not supported yet
+SEARCHTYYPENOTSUP       = Identity property type not supported yet ({0})
+SEARCHNOMATCHES         = No matches.
+# SearchPrompt
+# SelectWithinUi
+SELECTWITHINTITLE       = Select Within
+SELECTWITHINAREAS       = Select areas on the image.
+SELECTWITHINRESTRICTION = Restrict results to selected layers:
+SELECTWITHINTEXT        = <li>If you continue to select areas on the image, click &quot;Refresh&quot; to update the layer list.</li><li>To finish and select all features within the highlighted areas, click &quot;Done&quot;.</li><li>To start over, click &quot;Clear&quot;.</li>
+# Error/Report
+REPORTTITLE             = Report
+# Legend UI
+REFRESH                 = Refresh
+EXPANDALL               = Expand
+COLLAPSEALL             = Collapse All
+DISPLAYALLINGROUP       = Display All in Group
+HIDEALLINGROUP          = Hide All in Group
+SHOWLONGTHEME           = Show Long Theme
+# Task Bar
+TASKS                   = Tasks
+# Viewer Options
+OPTIONSTITLE            = Viewer Options
+OPTIONSINFOTEXT         = Select viewing options for status bar and tool tips.
+OPTIONSDISTANCE         = Display distances in
+OPTIONSMETRIC           = Metric (Kilometers, Meters)
+OPTIONSUSENGLISH        = US/English (Miles, Feet)
+OPTIONSPOSITION         = Display cursor position in
+OPTIONSLATLON           = Latitude, Longitude (Degrees)
+OPTIONSMAPUNITS         = Map Coordinate System (X,Y)
+# AJAX Viewer
+VIEWERLAYERS            = Layers
+VIEWERPROPS             = Properties
+VIEWERPANNORTH          = Pan North
+VIEWERPANWEST           = Pan West
+VIEWERPANSOUTH          = Pan South
+VIEWERPANEAST           = Pan East
+VIEWERZOOMIN            = Zoom In
+VIEWERZOOMOUT           = Zoom Out
+VIEWERMOVESLIDER        = Drag to move slider
+VIEWERDRAGZOOM          = Drag to zoom
+ENDSEL                  = CTRL + click to end
+ENDSELSAFARI            = SHIFT + click to end
+# Main Frame
+NEEDLOGIN               = You must enter a valid login ID and password to access this site
+ALREADYINMEASURE        = Only one measure command is allowed in a web layout
+ACCESSDENIED            = Access Denied   
+LATLONCURPOS            = Lat: {0}, Lon: {1}
+MAPUNITSCURPOS          = X: {0}, Y: {1}
+FEATURESSELECTED        = {0} features selected
+FEATURESELECTED         = {0} feature selected
+MI                      = mi
+FT                      = ft
+IN                      = in
+KM                      = km
+MT                      = m
+CM                      = cm
+DIGALREADYRUNNING       = Cannot execute measure: A digitization command is in progress.
+MEASALREADYRUNNING      = Cannot execute digitization: A measure is in progress.
+# Localized Icon Files
+POWEREDBYICON           = PoweredBy_en.gif

Deleted: trunk/text/en.php
--- trunk/text/en.php	2009-09-24 20:28:32 UTC (rev 1915)
+++ trunk/text/en.php	2009-09-24 20:29:05 UTC (rev 1916)
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-# Web surround localized strings
-# English language
-# Important: This file must be saved with UTF-8 encoding
-# General
-# Fonts - the 6 following entries are mandatory
- at fontWindows        = Arial
- at fontsizeWindows    = 8pt
- at fontLinux          = Arial
- at fontsizeLinux      = 8pt
- at fontMacintosh      = Arial
- at fontsizeMacintosh  = 8pt
-# Distances
-DISTANCEMILES       = Miles
-DISTANCEFEET        = Feet
-# Fill Patterns/Values
-FILLSOLID           = Solid
-FILLNET             = Net
-FILLLINE            = Line
-FILLLINE45          = Line_45
-FILLLINE90          = Line_90
-FILLLINE135         = Line_135
-FILLSQUARE          = Square
-FILLBOX             = Box
-FILLCROSS           = Cross
-FILLDASH            = Dash
-FILLDOLMIT          = Dolmit
-FILLHEX             = Hex
-FILLSACNCR          = Sacncr
-FILLSTEEL           = Steel
-# Transparency
-TRANSPARENT         = transparent
-# Line Styles/Values
-LINESOLID           = Solid
-LINEDASH            = Dash
-LINEDOT             = Dot
-LINEDASHDOT         = DashDot
-LINERAIL            = Rail
-LINEBORDER          = Border
-LINEDIVIDE          = Divide
-LINEFENCELINE       = FenceLine
-# Buttons
-BUTTONOK            = OK
-BUTTONDONE          = Done
-BUTTONCANCEL        = Cancel
-BUTTONREFRESH       = Refresh
-BUTTONCLOSE         = Close
-BUTTONCLEAR         = Clear
-BUTTONSAVE          = Save
-# Colors
-COLORRED            = Red
-COLORGREEN          = Green
-COLORBLUE           = Blue
-# BufferReport
-BUFFERREPORTTITLE               = Create Buffer
-BUFFERREPORTCREATED             = %s has been created.
-BUFFERREPORTUPDATED             = %s has been updated.
-BUFFERREPORTFEATURESSINGULAR    = %s buffer feature was created.
-BUFFERREPORTFEATURESPLURAL      = %s buffer features were created.
-BUFFERREPORTWARNINGSINGULAR     = <b>Warning:</b> %s layer was excluded from buffer computation because its coordinate system is incompatible with the coordinate system of the map, or because it has no coordinate system at all
-BUFFERREPORTWARNINGPLURAL       = <b>Warning:</b> %s layers were excluded from buffer computation because their coordinate systems are incompatible with the coordinate system of the map, or because they have no coordinate system at all
-# Buffer
-BUFFERCLASSDESCR                = Feature class for buffer layer
-BUFFERSCHEMADESCR               = Temporary buffer schema
-BUFFERDIFFARBXY                 = Cannot compute a unique buffer around features with different 'Arbitrary X-Y' coordinate systems. Please uncheck the option 'Merge buffer areas' or select only one layer
-# BufferUI
-BUFFERTITLE                     = Create a Buffer
-BUFFERSUBTITLE                  = &nbsp;Buffer settings
-BUFFERINFOTEXT                  = Select features on the image.
-BUFFERDISTANCE                  = Distance around features:
-BUFFERLAYERS                    = Layers to include in the buffer:
-BUFFERNOLAYER                   = <No layer selected>
-BUFFERNAME                      = Name for the resulting buffer layer:
-BUFFERNAMETEXT                  = Buffer 1
-BUFFERMERGE                     = Merge buffer areas
-BUFFERFILLSTYLE                 = &nbsp;Fill style
-BUFFERFILLPATTERN               = Fill pattern:
-BUFFERFOREGROUNDCOLOR           = Foreground color:
-BUFFERTRANSPARENCY              = Transparency:
-BUFFERBACKGROUNDCOLOR           = Background color:
-BUFFERBORDERSTYLE               = &nbsp;Border style
-BUFFERBORDERLINEPATTERN         = Line pattern:
-BUFFERBORDERLINECOLOR           = Line color:
-BUFFERHELP                      = <li><p align="left">Results of the buffer are put into a new layer above the top feature layer. This buffer layer has the name you enter here.</li><li><p align="left">To create multiple buffer layers, use different buffer names.</li><li><p align="left">To hide buffer layers, turn them off.</li><li><p align="left">Buffer layers are temporary and are removed when you close the viewer.</li>
-BUFFERERRORZERODISTANCE         = Please enter a nonzero distance.
-BUFFERERRORNOLAYERNAME          = Please enter a layer name.
-BUFFERERRORNEGATIVETHICKNESS    = Please enter positive or null thickness.
-BUFFERERRORNOSELECTION          = Please select feature(s) to calculate a buffer around.
-# ColorPicker
-COLORPICKERDLGTITLE             = Select a color
-COLORPICKERTITLE                = Color palette
-COLORPICKERSUBTITLE             = Specify a color
-COLORPICKER100TRANSPARENCY      = 100%% transparency
-COLORPICKERHEXFORMAT            = Hex format
-# MeasureUI
-MEASUREAREATITLE        = Measure Area
-MEASUREBOTHTITLE        = Measure Distance And Area
-MEASUREINFO             = Click a start and end point.
-RESUME                  = Resume
-STOP                    = Stop
-CLEAR                   = Clear
-MILES                   = Miles
-KILOMETERS              = Kilometers
-MEASUREHELP             = <li>To measure multiple distances, continue clicking new points.</li><li>To finish, click &quot;Stop&quot;.</li><li>You can pan or zoom and continue measuring by clicking &quot;Resume&quot;.</li><li>To start over, click &quot;Clear&quot;.</li>
-SEGMENT                 = Segment
-LENGTH                  = Length
-TOTALLENGTH             = Total Length
-TOTALAREA               = Total Area
-MEASUREERROR            = Measure Error
-# Measure
-MEASUREFEATURECLASS     = Feature class for measure layer
-MEASURESCHEMADESCR      = Temporary measure schema
-MEASUREPARTIAL          = Partial
-MEASURETOTAL            = total
-MEASURELAYER            = Measure
-# HtmlViewerAbout
-HTMLABOUTTITLE          = About %s
-HTMLABOUTTITLEBAR       = MapGuide Viewer
-HTMLABOUTTEXT           = <br>This product is made available subject to the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ("LGPL").  A copy of the LGPL, as well as additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of this product are set forth in the <a href="../localized/license_en.htm" target="blank">license</a> file.<br><br>All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.<br><br>Copyright &copy; 2007 Autodesk, Inc.<br><br>
-HTMLABOUTLICENSE        = license file
-HTMLABOUTLICENSEFILE    = license_en.htm
-# LegendUI
-# PrintablePageUi
-PRINTTITLE              = Get Printable Page
-PRINTELEMENTS           = Select the elements to include in the print layout.
-PRINTPAGETITLE          = Page title:
-PRINTLEGEND             = Legend
-PRINTNORTHARROW         = North arrow
-PRINTCREATEPAGE         = Create Page
-# PropertyCtrl
-PROPERTIESNONE          = None Selected
-PROPERTIESNAME          = Name
-PROPERTIESVALUE         = Value
-PROPERTIESITEMSEL       = Items selected: {0}
-# Search
-SEARCHDLGTITLE          = Search features
-SEARCHTITLE             = Search results
-SEARCHERROR             = Search error
-SEARCHREPORT            = Search report
-SEARCHLAYERNOTFOUND     = Layer {0} not found!
-SEARCHNOMULTIPROP       = Multi-properties identity not supported yet
-SEARCHTYYPENOTSUP       = Identity property type not supported yet ({0})
-SEARCHNOMATCHES         = No matches.
-# SearchPrompt
-# SelectWithinUi
-SELECTWITHINTITLE       = Select Within
-SELECTWITHINAREAS       = Select areas on the image.
-SELECTWITHINRESTRICTION = Restrict results to selected layers:
-SELECTWITHINTEXT        = <li>If you continue to select areas on the image, click &quot;Refresh&quot; to update the layer list.</li><li>To finish and select all features within the highlighted areas, click &quot;Done&quot;.</li><li>To start over, click &quot;Clear&quot;.</li>
-# Error/Report
-REPORTTITLE             = Report
-# Legend UI
-REFRESH                 = Refresh
-EXPANDALL               = Expand
-COLLAPSEALL             = Collapse All
-DISPLAYALLINGROUP       = Display All in Group
-HIDEALLINGROUP          = Hide All in Group
-SHOWLONGTHEME           = Show Long Theme
-# Task Bar
-TASKS                   = Tasks
-# Viewer Options
-OPTIONSTITLE            = Viewer Options
-OPTIONSINFOTEXT         = Select viewing options for status bar and tool tips.
-OPTIONSDISTANCE         = Display distances in
-OPTIONSMETRIC           = Metric (Kilometers, Meters)
-OPTIONSUSENGLISH        = US/English (Miles, Feet)
-OPTIONSPOSITION         = Display cursor position in
-OPTIONSLATLON           = Latitude, Longitude (Degrees)
-OPTIONSMAPUNITS         = Map Coordinate System (X,Y)
-# AJAX Viewer
-VIEWERLAYERS            = Layers
-VIEWERPROPS             = Properties
-VIEWERPANNORTH          = Pan North
-VIEWERPANWEST           = Pan West
-VIEWERPANSOUTH          = Pan South
-VIEWERPANEAST           = Pan East
-VIEWERZOOMIN            = Zoom In
-VIEWERZOOMOUT           = Zoom Out
-VIEWERMOVESLIDER        = Drag to move slider
-VIEWERDRAGZOOM          = Drag to zoom
-ENDSEL                  = CTRL + click to end
-ENDSELSAFARI            = SHIFT + click to end
-# Main Frame
-NEEDLOGIN               = You must enter a valid login ID and password to access this site
-ALREADYINMEASURE        = Only one measure command is allowed in a web layout
-ACCESSDENIED            = Access Denied   
-LATLONCURPOS            = Lat: {0}, Lon: {1}
-MAPUNITSCURPOS          = X: {0}, Y: {1}
-FEATURESSELECTED        = {0} features selected
-FEATURESELECTED         = {0} feature selected
-MI                      = mi
-FT                      = ft
-IN                      = in
-KM                      = km
-MT                      = m
-CM                      = cm
-DIGALREADYRUNNING       = Cannot execute measure: A digitization command is in progress.
-MEASALREADYRUNNING      = Cannot execute digitization: A measure is in progress.
-# Localized Icon Files
-POWEREDBYICON           = PoweredBy_en.gif

Copied: trunk/text/fr (from rev 1915, trunk/text/fr.php)
--- trunk/text/fr	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/text/fr	2009-09-24 20:29:05 UTC (rev 1916)
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Web surround localized strings
+# English language
+# Important: This file must be saved with UTF-8 encoding
+# General
+# Fonts - the 6 following entries are mandatory
+ at fontWindows        = Arial
+ at fontsizeWindows    = 8pt
+ at fontLinux          = Arial
+ at fontsizeLinux      = 8pt
+ at fontMacintosh      = Arial
+ at fontsizeMacintosh  = 8pt
+# Distances
+DISTANCEMILES       = Miles
+DISTANCEFEET        = Feet
+# Fill Patterns/Values
+FILLSOLID           = Solid
+FILLNET             = Net
+FILLLINE            = Line
+FILLLINE45          = Line_45
+FILLLINE90          = Line_90
+FILLLINE135         = Line_135
+FILLSQUARE          = Square
+FILLBOX             = Box
+FILLCROSS           = Cross
+FILLDASH            = Dash
+FILLDOLMIT          = Dolmit
+FILLHEX             = Hex
+FILLSACNCR          = Sacncr
+FILLSTEEL           = Steel
+# Transparency
+TRANSPARENT         = transparent
+# Line Styles/Values
+LINESOLID           = Solid
+LINEDASH            = Dash
+LINEDOT             = Dot
+LINEDASHDOT         = DashDot
+LINERAIL            = Rail
+LINEBORDER          = Border
+LINEDIVIDE          = Divide
+LINEFENCELINE       = FenceLine
+# Buttons
+BUTTONOK            = OK
+BUTTONDONE          = Done
+BUTTONCANCEL        = Cancel
+BUTTONREFRESH       = Refresh
+BUTTONCLOSE         = Close
+BUTTONCLEAR         = Clear
+BUTTONSAVE          = Save
+# Colors
+COLORRED            = Red
+COLORGREEN          = Green
+COLORBLUE           = Blue
+# BufferReport
+BUFFERREPORTTITLE               = Create Buffer
+BUFFERREPORTCREATED             = %s has been created.
+BUFFERREPORTUPDATED             = %s has been updated.
+BUFFERREPORTFEATURESSINGULAR    = %s buffer feature was created.
+BUFFERREPORTFEATURESPLURAL      = %s buffer features were created.
+BUFFERREPORTWARNINGSINGULAR     = <b>Warning:</b> %s layer was excluded from buffer computation because its coordinate system is incompatible with the coordinate system of the map, or because it has no coordinate system at all
+BUFFERREPORTWARNINGPLURAL       = <b>Warning:</b> %s layers were excluded from buffer computation because their coordinate systems are incompatible with the coordinate system of the map, or because they have no coordinate system at all
+# Buffer
+BUFFERCLASSDESCR                = Feature class for buffer layer
+BUFFERSCHEMADESCR               = Temporary buffer schema
+BUFFERDIFFARBXY                 = Cannot compute a unique buffer around features with different 'Arbitrary X-Y' coordinate systems. Please uncheck the option 'Merge buffer areas' or select only one layer
+# BufferUI
+BUFFERTITLE                     = Create a Buffer
+BUFFERSUBTITLE                  = &nbsp;Buffer settings
+BUFFERINFOTEXT                  = Select features on the image.
+BUFFERDISTANCE                  = Distance around features:
+BUFFERLAYERS                    = Layers to include in the buffer:
+BUFFERNOLAYER                   = <No layer selected>
+BUFFERNAME                      = Name for the resulting buffer layer:
+BUFFERNAMETEXT                  = Buffer 1
+BUFFERMERGE                     = Merge buffer areas
+BUFFERFILLSTYLE                 = &nbsp;Fill style
+BUFFERFILLPATTERN               = Fill pattern:
+BUFFERFOREGROUNDCOLOR           = Foreground color:
+BUFFERTRANSPARENCY              = Transparency:
+BUFFERBACKGROUNDCOLOR           = Background color:
+BUFFERBORDERSTYLE               = &nbsp;Border style
+BUFFERBORDERLINEPATTERN         = Line pattern:
+BUFFERBORDERLINECOLOR           = Line color:
+BUFFERHELP                      = <li><p align="left">Results of the buffer are put into a new layer above the top feature layer. This buffer layer has the name you enter here.</li><li><p align="left">To create multiple buffer layers, use different buffer names.</li><li><p align="left">To hide buffer layers, turn them off.</li><li><p align="left">Buffer layers are temporary and are removed when you close the viewer.</li>
+BUFFERERRORZERODISTANCE         = Please enter a nonzero distance.
+BUFFERERRORNOLAYERNAME          = Please enter a layer name.
+BUFFERERRORNEGATIVETHICKNESS    = Please enter positive or null thickness.
+BUFFERERRORNOSELECTION          = Please select feature(s) to calculate a buffer around.
+# ColorPicker
+COLORPICKERDLGTITLE             = Select a color
+COLORPICKERTITLE                = Color palette
+COLORPICKERSUBTITLE             = Specify a color
+COLORPICKER100TRANSPARENCY      = 100%% transparency
+COLORPICKERHEXFORMAT            = Hex format
+# MeasureUI
+MEASURETITLE            = Measure Distance
+MEASUREINFO             = Click a start and end point.
+RESUME                  = Resume
+STOP                    = Stop
+CLEAR                   = Clear
+MILES                   = Miles
+KILOMETERS              = Kilometers
+MEASUREHELP             = <li>To measure multiple distances, continue clicking new points.</li><li>To finish, click &quot;Stop&quot;.</li><li>You can pan or zoom and continue measuring by clicking &quot;Resume&quot;.</li><li>To start over, click &quot;Clear&quot;.</li>
+SEGMENT                 = Segment
+TOTAL                   = Total
+LENGTH                  = Length
+MEASUREERROR            = Measure Error
+# Measure
+MEASUREFEATURECLASS     = Feature class for measure layer
+MEASURESCHEMADESCR      = Temporary measure schema
+MEASUREPARTIAL          = Partial
+MEASURETOTAL            = total
+MEASURELAYER            = Measure
+# HtmlViewerAbout
+HTMLABOUTTITLE          = About %s
+HTMLABOUTTITLEBAR       = MapGuide Viewer
+HTMLABOUTTEXT           = <br>This product is made available subject to the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ("LGPL").  A copy of the LGPL, as well as additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of this product are set forth in the <a href="../localized/license_en.htm" target="blank">license</a> file.<br><br>All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.<br><br>Copyright &copy; 2007 Autodesk, Inc.<br><br>
+HTMLABOUTLICENSE        = license file
+HTMLABOUTLICENSEFILE    = license_en.htm
+# LegendUI
+# PrintablePageUi
+PRINTTITLE              = Get Printable Page
+PRINTELEMENTS           = Select the elements to include in the print layout.
+PRINTPAGETITLE          = Page title:
+PRINTLEGEND             = Legend
+PRINTNORTHARROW         = North arrow
+PRINTCREATEPAGE         = Create Page
+# PropertyCtrl
+PROPERTIESNONE          = None Selected
+PROPERTIESNAME          = Name
+PROPERTIESVALUE         = Value
+PROPERTIESITEMSEL       = Items selected: {0}
+# Search
+SEARCHDLGTITLE          = Search features
+SEARCHTITLE             = Search results
+SEARCHERROR             = Search error
+SEARCHREPORT            = Search report
+SEARCHLAYERNOTFOUND     = Layer {0} not found!
+SEARCHNOMULTIPROP       = Multi-properties identity not supported yet
+SEARCHTYYPENOTSUP       = Identity property type not supported yet ({0})
+SEARCHNOMATCHES         = No matches.
+# SearchPrompt
+# SelectWithinUi
+SELECTWITHINTITLE       = Select Within
+SELECTWITHINAREAS       = Select areas on the image.
+SELECTWITHINRESTRICTION = Restrict results to selected layers:
+SELECTWITHINTEXT        = <li>If you continue to select areas on the image, click &quot;Refresh&quot; to update the layer list.</li><li>To finish and select all features within the highlighted areas, click &quot;Done&quot;.</li><li>To start over, click &quot;Clear&quot;.</li>
+# Error/Report
+REPORTTITLE             = Report
+# Legend UI
+REFRESH                 = Refresh
+EXPANDALL               = Expand
+COLLAPSEALL             = Collapse All
+DISPLAYALLINGROUP       = Display All in Group
+HIDEALLINGROUP          = Hide All in Group
+SHOWLONGTHEME           = Show Long Theme
+# Task Bar
+TASKS                   = Tasks
+# Viewer Options
+OPTIONSTITLE            = Viewer Options
+OPTIONSINFOTEXT         = Select viewing options for status bar and tool tips.
+OPTIONSDISTANCE         = Display distances in
+OPTIONSMETRIC           = Metric (Kilometers, Meters)
+OPTIONSUSENGLISH        = US/English (Miles, Feet)
+OPTIONSPOSITION         = Display cursor position in
+OPTIONSLATLON           = Latitude, Longitude (Degrees)
+OPTIONSMAPUNITS         = Map Coordinate System (X,Y)
+# AJAX Viewer
+VIEWERLAYERS            = Layers
+VIEWERPROPS             = Properties
+VIEWERPANNORTH          = Pan North
+VIEWERPANWEST           = Pan West
+VIEWERPANSOUTH          = Pan South
+VIEWERPANEAST           = Pan East
+VIEWERZOOMIN            = Zoom In
+VIEWERZOOMOUT           = Zoom Out
+VIEWERMOVESLIDER        = Drag to move slider
+VIEWERDRAGZOOM          = Drag to zoom
+ENDSEL                  = CTRL + click to end
+ENDSELSAFARI            = SHIFT + click to end
+# Main Frame
+NEEDLOGIN               = You must enter a valid login ID and password to access this site
+ALREADYINMEASURE        = Only one measure command is allowed in a web layout
+ACCESSDENIED            = Access Denied   
+LATLONCURPOS            = Lat: {0}, Lon: {1}
+MAPUNITSCURPOS          = X: {0}, Y: {1}
+FEATURESSELECTED        = {0} features selected
+FEATURESELECTED         = {0} feature selected
+MI                      = mi
+FT                      = ft
+IN                      = in
+KM                      = km
+MT                      = m
+CM                      = cm
+DIGALREADYRUNNING       = Cannot execute measure: A digitization command is in progress.
+MEASALREADYRUNNING      = Cannot execute digitization: A measure is in progress.
+# Localized Icon Files
+POWEREDBYICON           = PoweredBy_en.gif

Deleted: trunk/text/fr.php
--- trunk/text/fr.php	2009-09-24 20:28:32 UTC (rev 1915)
+++ trunk/text/fr.php	2009-09-24 20:29:05 UTC (rev 1916)
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# Web surround localized strings
-# English language
-# Important: This file must be saved with UTF-8 encoding
-# General
-# Fonts - the 6 following entries are mandatory
- at fontWindows        = Arial
- at fontsizeWindows    = 8pt
- at fontLinux          = Arial
- at fontsizeLinux      = 8pt
- at fontMacintosh      = Arial
- at fontsizeMacintosh  = 8pt
-# Distances
-DISTANCEMILES       = Miles
-DISTANCEFEET        = Feet
-# Fill Patterns/Values
-FILLSOLID           = Solid
-FILLNET             = Net
-FILLLINE            = Line
-FILLLINE45          = Line_45
-FILLLINE90          = Line_90
-FILLLINE135         = Line_135
-FILLSQUARE          = Square
-FILLBOX             = Box
-FILLCROSS           = Cross
-FILLDASH            = Dash
-FILLDOLMIT          = Dolmit
-FILLHEX             = Hex
-FILLSACNCR          = Sacncr
-FILLSTEEL           = Steel
-# Transparency
-TRANSPARENT         = transparent
-# Line Styles/Values
-LINESOLID           = Solid
-LINEDASH            = Dash
-LINEDOT             = Dot
-LINEDASHDOT         = DashDot
-LINERAIL            = Rail
-LINEBORDER          = Border
-LINEDIVIDE          = Divide
-LINEFENCELINE       = FenceLine
-# Buttons
-BUTTONOK            = OK
-BUTTONDONE          = Done
-BUTTONCANCEL        = Cancel
-BUTTONREFRESH       = Refresh
-BUTTONCLOSE         = Close
-BUTTONCLEAR         = Clear
-BUTTONSAVE          = Save
-# Colors
-COLORRED            = Red
-COLORGREEN          = Green
-COLORBLUE           = Blue
-# BufferReport
-BUFFERREPORTTITLE               = Create Buffer
-BUFFERREPORTCREATED             = %s has been created.
-BUFFERREPORTUPDATED             = %s has been updated.
-BUFFERREPORTFEATURESSINGULAR    = %s buffer feature was created.
-BUFFERREPORTFEATURESPLURAL      = %s buffer features were created.
-BUFFERREPORTWARNINGSINGULAR     = <b>Warning:</b> %s layer was excluded from buffer computation because its coordinate system is incompatible with the coordinate system of the map, or because it has no coordinate system at all
-BUFFERREPORTWARNINGPLURAL       = <b>Warning:</b> %s layers were excluded from buffer computation because their coordinate systems are incompatible with the coordinate system of the map, or because they have no coordinate system at all
-# Buffer
-BUFFERCLASSDESCR                = Feature class for buffer layer
-BUFFERSCHEMADESCR               = Temporary buffer schema
-BUFFERDIFFARBXY                 = Cannot compute a unique buffer around features with different 'Arbitrary X-Y' coordinate systems. Please uncheck the option 'Merge buffer areas' or select only one layer
-# BufferUI
-BUFFERTITLE                     = Create a Buffer
-BUFFERSUBTITLE                  = &nbsp;Buffer settings
-BUFFERINFOTEXT                  = Select features on the image.
-BUFFERDISTANCE                  = Distance around features:
-BUFFERLAYERS                    = Layers to include in the buffer:
-BUFFERNOLAYER                   = <No layer selected>
-BUFFERNAME                      = Name for the resulting buffer layer:
-BUFFERNAMETEXT                  = Buffer 1
-BUFFERMERGE                     = Merge buffer areas
-BUFFERFILLSTYLE                 = &nbsp;Fill style
-BUFFERFILLPATTERN               = Fill pattern:
-BUFFERFOREGROUNDCOLOR           = Foreground color:
-BUFFERTRANSPARENCY              = Transparency:
-BUFFERBACKGROUNDCOLOR           = Background color:
-BUFFERBORDERSTYLE               = &nbsp;Border style
-BUFFERBORDERLINEPATTERN         = Line pattern:
-BUFFERBORDERLINECOLOR           = Line color:
-BUFFERHELP                      = <li><p align="left">Results of the buffer are put into a new layer above the top feature layer. This buffer layer has the name you enter here.</li><li><p align="left">To create multiple buffer layers, use different buffer names.</li><li><p align="left">To hide buffer layers, turn them off.</li><li><p align="left">Buffer layers are temporary and are removed when you close the viewer.</li>
-BUFFERERRORZERODISTANCE         = Please enter a nonzero distance.
-BUFFERERRORNOLAYERNAME          = Please enter a layer name.
-BUFFERERRORNEGATIVETHICKNESS    = Please enter positive or null thickness.
-BUFFERERRORNOSELECTION          = Please select feature(s) to calculate a buffer around.
-# ColorPicker
-COLORPICKERDLGTITLE             = Select a color
-COLORPICKERTITLE                = Color palette
-COLORPICKERSUBTITLE             = Specify a color
-COLORPICKER100TRANSPARENCY      = 100%% transparency
-COLORPICKERHEXFORMAT            = Hex format
-# MeasureUI
-MEASURETITLE            = Measure Distance
-MEASUREINFO             = Click a start and end point.
-RESUME                  = Resume
-STOP                    = Stop
-CLEAR                   = Clear
-MILES                   = Miles
-KILOMETERS              = Kilometers
-MEASUREHELP             = <li>To measure multiple distances, continue clicking new points.</li><li>To finish, click &quot;Stop&quot;.</li><li>You can pan or zoom and continue measuring by clicking &quot;Resume&quot;.</li><li>To start over, click &quot;Clear&quot;.</li>
-SEGMENT                 = Segment
-TOTAL                   = Total
-LENGTH                  = Length
-MEASUREERROR            = Measure Error
-# Measure
-MEASUREFEATURECLASS     = Feature class for measure layer
-MEASURESCHEMADESCR      = Temporary measure schema
-MEASUREPARTIAL          = Partial
-MEASURETOTAL            = total
-MEASURELAYER            = Measure
-# HtmlViewerAbout
-HTMLABOUTTITLE          = About %s
-HTMLABOUTTITLEBAR       = MapGuide Viewer
-HTMLABOUTTEXT           = <br>This product is made available subject to the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ("LGPL").  A copy of the LGPL, as well as additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of this product are set forth in the <a href="../localized/license_en.htm" target="blank">license</a> file.<br><br>All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.<br><br>Copyright &copy; 2007 Autodesk, Inc.<br><br>
-HTMLABOUTLICENSE        = license file
-HTMLABOUTLICENSEFILE    = license_en.htm
-# LegendUI
-# PrintablePageUi
-PRINTTITLE              = Get Printable Page
-PRINTELEMENTS           = Select the elements to include in the print layout.
-PRINTPAGETITLE          = Page title:
-PRINTLEGEND             = Legend
-PRINTNORTHARROW         = North arrow
-PRINTCREATEPAGE         = Create Page
-# PropertyCtrl
-PROPERTIESNONE          = None Selected
-PROPERTIESNAME          = Name
-PROPERTIESVALUE         = Value
-PROPERTIESITEMSEL       = Items selected: {0}
-# Search
-SEARCHDLGTITLE          = Search features
-SEARCHTITLE             = Search results
-SEARCHERROR             = Search error
-SEARCHREPORT            = Search report
-SEARCHLAYERNOTFOUND     = Layer {0} not found!
-SEARCHNOMULTIPROP       = Multi-properties identity not supported yet
-SEARCHTYYPENOTSUP       = Identity property type not supported yet ({0})
-SEARCHNOMATCHES         = No matches.
-# SearchPrompt
-# SelectWithinUi
-SELECTWITHINTITLE       = Select Within
-SELECTWITHINAREAS       = Select areas on the image.
-SELECTWITHINRESTRICTION = Restrict results to selected layers:
-SELECTWITHINTEXT        = <li>If you continue to select areas on the image, click &quot;Refresh&quot; to update the layer list.</li><li>To finish and select all features within the highlighted areas, click &quot;Done&quot;.</li><li>To start over, click &quot;Clear&quot;.</li>
-# Error/Report
-REPORTTITLE             = Report
-# Legend UI
-REFRESH                 = Refresh
-EXPANDALL               = Expand
-COLLAPSEALL             = Collapse All
-DISPLAYALLINGROUP       = Display All in Group
-HIDEALLINGROUP          = Hide All in Group
-SHOWLONGTHEME           = Show Long Theme
-# Task Bar
-TASKS                   = Tasks
-# Viewer Options
-OPTIONSTITLE            = Viewer Options
-OPTIONSINFOTEXT         = Select viewing options for status bar and tool tips.
-OPTIONSDISTANCE         = Display distances in
-OPTIONSMETRIC           = Metric (Kilometers, Meters)
-OPTIONSUSENGLISH        = US/English (Miles, Feet)
-OPTIONSPOSITION         = Display cursor position in
-OPTIONSLATLON           = Latitude, Longitude (Degrees)
-OPTIONSMAPUNITS         = Map Coordinate System (X,Y)
-# AJAX Viewer
-VIEWERLAYERS            = Layers
-VIEWERPROPS             = Properties
-VIEWERPANNORTH          = Pan North
-VIEWERPANWEST           = Pan West
-VIEWERPANSOUTH          = Pan South
-VIEWERPANEAST           = Pan East
-VIEWERZOOMIN            = Zoom In
-VIEWERZOOMOUT           = Zoom Out
-VIEWERMOVESLIDER        = Drag to move slider
-VIEWERDRAGZOOM          = Drag to zoom
-ENDSEL                  = CTRL + click to end
-ENDSELSAFARI            = SHIFT + click to end
-# Main Frame
-NEEDLOGIN               = You must enter a valid login ID and password to access this site
-ALREADYINMEASURE        = Only one measure command is allowed in a web layout
-ACCESSDENIED            = Access Denied   
-LATLONCURPOS            = Lat: {0}, Lon: {1}
-MAPUNITSCURPOS          = X: {0}, Y: {1}
-FEATURESSELECTED        = {0} features selected
-FEATURESELECTED         = {0} feature selected
-MI                      = mi
-FT                      = ft
-IN                      = in
-KM                      = km
-MT                      = m
-CM                      = cm
-DIGALREADYRUNNING       = Cannot execute measure: A digitization command is in progress.
-MEASALREADYRUNNING      = Cannot execute digitization: A measure is in progress.
-# Localized Icon Files
-POWEREDBYICON           = PoweredBy_en.gif

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